Follow us on Twitter via @kooapps to receive free promo codes and new game launch raffle prizes!"Trained from a ninja village hidden behind the Japanese mountains, they have mastered the art of deception. Their Shadow Clone Technique is especially effective in confusing enemies."
- Konoha Ninja Roach
"With only 300 of these roaches, Leonidas fends off the Persian attack. Famous for the phalanx formation, these roaches are indestructible with their shields."
- Spartan Roach
"Marched from the graveyards of Raccoon City, these near-invulnerable roaches will be extremely hard to kill. But they do have their weak spots."
- Living Dead Roach
Compete with your friends as you battle the most powerful roaches from the cartoon world, all with a tap of your finger.
iPad Edition FEATURES:
- High definition graphics
- Large screen for multiplayer on the same device
- Real-time scores from your friends
- 10 amazing cartoon roaches
- Unlimited play time
- Stunningly fun game play
- Global leaderboards
- Facebook social leaderboards
- Intuitive controls
- Any questions or suggestions?
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A note from our producer:
Inspired by our favorite cartoon and movie characters, we've put together a game that will bring back childhood memories.
Genre:Action, Arcade
Release:Jul 11, 2010
Updated:Nov 30, -0001
TouchArcade Rating:Unrated
User Rating:Unrated
Your Rating:unrated
Compatibility:HD Universal