이는 세계를 휩쓴 무료 온라인게임이다.
이 온라인게임은 월드 서버를 미국에 설치하였으며 한 게임서버당960000명의 유저를 용납할수 있다.
Guide a mother and her child as they embark on a journey through magical architecture, discovering illusionary pathways and delightful puzzles as you learn the secrets of the Sacred Geometry.
Sequel to the Apple Game of the Year 2014, Monument Valley 2 presents a brand new adventure set in a beautiful and impossible world. Help Ro as she teaches her child about the mysteries of the valley exploring stunning environments and manipulating architecture to guide them on their way.
A STANDALONE ADVENTURE A completely new story from the Monument Valley universe. You don’t need to have previously played Monument Valley to enjoy Monument Valley 2.
INDIVIDUALLY CRAFTED PUZZLES Enjoy beautiful levels filled with illusory, meditative puzzles, using brand new interactions to explore the changing dynamics between characters.
CONTEMPORARY VISUALS Artwork inspired by an eclectic mixture of architectural styles, artistic movements and personal influences, each translated into stunning geometric structures.
BEAUTIFUL AUDIO Immerse yourself in uniquely melodic interactive soundscapes, tailored perfectly to every step of Ro and her child’s journey.
Monument Valley 2 is only compatible with devices running iOS 9 or later.
아주 아주 오래된 시간을 겪어 인류는 역사적 무대에서 퇴장하고 인류의 애완동물이였던 고양이와 강아지가 차츰 더욱 높은 지혜를 갖게 되여 고양이부락과 강아지부락을 세우게 되였다. 하지만 유감스럽게도 고양이와 강아지는 천성적으로 원수였다. 15000년 동안 그들 사이에 전쟁이 지속되였다… …당신은 고양이를 지원할것인가, 아니면 강아지를 지원할것인가? 또는 이 전쟁세계를 평화롭게 만들것인가?
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