Zool on mobile?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Enker, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. Enker

    Enker Well-Known Member

    May 15, 2014
    Last year a magazine in the UK named 'Retro Gamer' reported that Gremlin may be launching themselves back into the gaming market and the App Store in particular.

    For those too young or not in the know, Gremlin Interactive was a British game company that produced primarily titles for the Amiga. Their mascot, Zool (ninja of the Nth Dimension) was a platformer who had a solid first and excellent second game under his belt before the company disappeared entirely. Essentially not making that difficult transition from 2D to 3D that came in at the Playstation generation.

    My question to the world in general - Zool on the iPhone, yay or nay? If so a port of the existing games or an all new phone specific sequel? Do others even remember Gremlin?
  2. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    I remember them. Bounder on ios was poor

    Be good if Zool does come to ios. Might be worth emailing them to ask

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