They are quite a bit alike in concept. They aren't exactly alike, but they are quite a bit alike in concept. I don't think anyone has said that's a negative, and I don't think the developer would take it as a criticism. Using a "4" as the middle word of a three part title is not very common, using it as the middle word of a three part title for a survival shooter game that includes four player co-op fighting zombies is even less common. Yet Alive 4 Ever and Left 4 Dead share all of those qualities (as well as some similar zombie types.) And as someone else said "alive 4 ever" is almost the exact opposite of "left 4 dead" -- which indicates someone was thinking about "left 4 dead" when they came up with it. Again, no one has said that's a bad thing, so I don't see why you're trying so hard to tell everyone else they are wrong to see the connection/inspiration. Most people see it. Most people are fine with it. It sure doesn't make me want this game any less. The game looks good, easily the best survival shooter I've seen for the iphone so far (and by far.) Now if the developer wants to come on here and say it's all just a coincidence, that they weren't inspired by Left 4 Dead, I'll believe them, but I imagine if they were to respond they'd say something like "ya, we liked Left 4 Dead alot and wanted to bring something similar to the iphone." But that's just me speculating.
Left 4 Dead pwns so hard it's a joke, so any game that is even remotely like it will blow even someone who's not wearing socks' sock off.
im not saying that it would be a bad thing to copy l4d. i said the name was similar and obviously inspired from l4d. all im saying is this game is nothing alike l4d like some others are saying. ok the monsters have some qualities that are the same, and it has the same theme 'survive'. but thats really all there is to it. all im saying is they are not a similar game
How are they not similar.. That's like saying gta3-4 is in no way similar to gta1-2 because there names are similar and they share gameplay elements, but the angle is changed from top-down to third person...
^^ no, those are similar because the main change from gta1-2 to gta3-4 was way better graphics. but everything else stayed the same but was just improved
and you dont see the irony in what your saying, the main change here is downgraded graphics, missions, and an rpg system... the enemies are pretty close, the game is still coop, and the element of survival is still there isnt it. everything else stayed the same... so your saying that the 3d world didnt change anything, lol for one thing it went from top-down to a third person, i would say that that changes alot in terms of perspective... maybe i should have said it more like from gta 4 to gta chinatown wars
You just completely contradicted yourself there... Reading all your arguments, you're just digging yourself a hole.
What im trying to say is the gameplay still shares similarities with l4d, how is a smaker, the guy that grabs you from afar in l4d, not similar to the long tongued guy shown in the gameplay video, he grabbed him from afar and was strangling him, how is 4 player coop not similar to 4 player coop... hes not getting it through his head, this game was obviously inspired by l4d, which is not entirely a bad thing, actually i admire them for taking that trek.
no, the main change isnt "downgraded graphics, missions, and an rpg system" because these arnt the same game you didnt read my post didnt you? i said the main change was the graphics (view)... eh everything else IS the same just massively improved.. geez thank you! and im trying to say that LOTS of game will have monsters that do that as well. IT DOESNT MEAN ITS THE SAME AS LEFT4DEAD tell me, how many games have 4player co-op? hundreds and hundreds and hundreds get it through your head. THINK! and how did i contradict myself? the game is clearly inspired by l4d, it shows by the name. but it does not. i repeat. it does NOT mean its the same or similar. i never said this wasnt inspired by l4d
I would love to say yes, but the way app store approval is, I don't see this game coming for at least another two weeks. =/ I really wish we could get some insight on the process or something. Like, look at Quantum Collapse; the dev submitted the update what, three weeks ago, and hasn't heard a word from Apple, who won't even reply to his emails to them? Pretty lame if you ask me... =P
True. But there have been some game that come out in a few days after being submitted. So you never know with apple.
that's way we have been telling you, that this game is inspired by l4d, and how is that a game inspired by another game not similar too it... Man I swear you are contradicting yourself there... That's like saying gangstar was inspired by gta but the gameplay is not similar... Ugh free-roam sandbox game where u play as a gangster and do missions. The first game for the idevice that features 4-player coop, has killing zombies that r similar to the zombies in l4d, has the chars inspired by L4d... I just don't see how that is not similar.
You my friend are very bad at connecting the dots. Let's start out with the fact that this is a ZOMBIE game. Left 4 Dead is a ZOMBIE game. That's already a similarity. Second the names of both games are VERY similar. LEFT 4 DEAD and ALIVE 4 EVER are, as others have pointed out almost complete opposites. Also, the reason Left 4 Dead is called Left FOUR Dead is because Left for Dead is a series. That is the fourth installment. By what I can tell Alive 4 Ever is not a series, so the name has references to Left 4 Dead. Third, this game has FOUR player Co-Op. The first iPod game to HAVE (if I'm incorrect please tell me) FOUR player Co-Op in a ZOMBIE game. Just like Left-4-Dead. Fourth, the enemies are almost EXACTLY the same. Sure there are one or too added in but it basically falls (by what the trailer shows us) in the same category: Smokers, Tanks, Swarm, etc. Fifth, the people are almost exactly the same. In Left-4-Dead you have four characters, THREE MEN AND ONE WOMEN. In this game, big surprise, you have THREE MEN AND ONE WOMEN. They have two white men and a black man, and BIG SURPRISE! Alive-4-Dead has two white men and a black man. Sixth, your objective is to survive and escape in both games. And Seventh, the reason you contradicted yourself is because you said the game was "obviously based off of Left 4 Dead" but there are "no similarities between the two, they are completely different games." The above evidence proves that they have a LOT in common, more than just coincidence. Enough to say that this is the Left 4 Dead for iDevices. Now I am willing to here you're rebuttal but I know it will contain the following points: "But... but there are different zombies!"- Big whoop, by what I see there are five types, and three are the same. "But in this you rescue teh survivors and find vaccines!"-Basically this and escaping in Left 4 Dead are the same things: Objectives. You have to fight your way to the objective. That being said, I can't wait to buy this game!
Man this game looks great although hoonestly the co op is the only thing that drew me to this thread. I hope ther is a survival mode for co op and have it like nazi zombies where only one of you needs to survive the round to make sure everyone comes back to life for the next.