Don't say that! You have to have to have good hopes that it will come out. Maybe it'll get one of those retarded app reviewers that approve games including copyrighted material. Or something.
Copyright and violence. Though violence shouldn't be too much of a problem. "Don't say that! You have to have to have good hopes that it will come out. Maybe it'll get one of those retarded app reviewers that approve games including copyrighted material. Or something." I believe this is their job
It's star, not ster, so i assume that's how they passed it if it got a copyright paranoid reviewer. But this game actually has fairly obvious rip offs though
Saying that Rockstar owns the copyright to sandbox crime games (GTA) is like saying that id Software owns the copyright to first person shooters (Wolfenstein). Therefore, according to your logic, Infinity Ward should be sued for their blatant copyright infringement.