Since it doesnt have an online leader board, post your best scores and kills here, or/and post a screenshot. Top Ten Highscores! *** 1. o.o, 4690 kills , Score: 48065 *** 2. Gamingfun, 4591 kills, Score: 45891 3. songkranw, 2085 kills, Score: 19610 4. Dark NRG, 967 kills, Score: 9917 5. arn, 613 kills, Score: 6488 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
I think many people don't like this game much. But I think it good time (zombie) killing apps. I don't have to think much playing this game and quite satisfied when able to make 20+ zombie die at once.
i love this game im gonna play it a bit more then ill post my scores because my high score now is only 5500 ill get 1st soon then ill post screens
8273 high score 798 zombies killed 34 most in single blast 1974 total zombies annihilated 7 highest panic level survived 19:40 total time played 1:38 average game length 5:20 alltime longest game i got a screenshot, how do I add it to the forum??
Duh, great! Thanks for pointing that out friend @GamingFun NICE JOB !!! I was gonna mention I saw someone posted in another thread a 20k score!!
Thanks I must have just been in the zone with that round. Was on panic level of 17 which is kind of how I got all those annihilations With so many chasing you it's hard not to take out a whole flock of them heh
Yowzerz. I only know how to die in the game in two ways. By the zombies getting your grandma and you get hit by the missile. How do you die by getting eaten by zombies?
Nice scores!!! Now I get it, ok, IT'S ON!!! BTW I have a tech problem with the game: It's doesn't "crash" per se (south park It sorta "freezes" on my 1st gen iTouch. When taping Guy (jeesh, that don't sound right) and there's LOTS of zombies, the screen will go black, then say "loading" at bottom right, so I imagined a few times that I got killed, then two seconds later I'm back on, active in the same game. Could be the slower processor? OR that I have in-game music on? or is anyone else experiencing this "bug"? Tnx!
Way to die is to get a hug from many Zombie for a certain amount of time. You will see timing appear at the top of screen if you are going to die soon. I also lag sometime is crash. Don't know how to make it better.