Ok, help me someone, in the Zombie Infection game, I already killed the giant zombie. But now, all i get now is these zombies charging and throwing things at time. Is there a way I can escape. Remember there is no more giant zombie. Do I just keep killing the small zombies? omairangel View Public Profile Find all posts by omairangel #4 Yesterday, 07:24 PM
Zombie Infection chapter 12 iphone game I read all this, thank you, but I am still in the game, killed the zombie but I cannot get of that room/lab. The zombies keep coming. What do I do? I get now is these zombies charging and throwing things at time. Is there a way I can escape. Remember there is no more giant zombie. Do I just keep killing the small zombies?
Why did you post two threads with the same topic and then double post the same post again in one of them