I gotta get back on and see how the leaderboards look. I was crushing all you guys last I played. Lol, I'm sure my victory will be short, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
Love the game but won't be making purchases until touch controls are added. For some odd reason I just can't stand them on driving types of games. Such a fun game though! A simple tap left tap river would suffice. Our fingers are fast enough to hit the shoot real quick I would think while using touch controls. I'll be getting the new iPhone so as you said I hop they're added!
This game is fantastic! I do miss the combo system of Driver's Ed, but I suppose that's a different kind of game. Would love to give the devs money but don't want to purchase consumable currency. Like a money doubler/%+ thing or I dunno what. Anybody know how "Rest Bonus" and "Rested bank" work?
Really loving this! Found a weird bug though. When switching from my iPhone save to my ipad save, the gun buttons on ipad were suddenly like the iPhone, in the corners. Very hard to reach on ipad! I switched controls to touch and then back to tilt and that seemed to reset it back to normal.
The game crashed on start-up everytime, so I reinstalled it and turned off aim assist and it works fine. Great game.
There should be news on the very front page that says you should NOT turn auto-aim on. Devs are aware and fixing.
+1, rather than making purchases, I am putting this game off till there are touch controls, Iphone 6 and 6+ is already out, I am sure it can fit into the Iphone's screen.
I miss combos too, but I understand this is a totally different game. I've also been wondering what the Rest Bonus and Rested Bank are.
Rested bank fills up when you are away from the game. For example, you have 2,500 money on your Rested Bank. After you finished a game, the Rested Bank are added into your base money. Correct me if I'm wrong.
This wasn't even my radar because i generally hate anything with zombies in it but i decided to download it after reading all the positive comments here and i'm very happy i did What a great game!
Ya, I agree with the need for touch controls. I'm no fan of gyro steering at all. Soon I'm hoping coz I rlly like this.
I guess I got used to the tilt controls from playing the first one and Road Trip. They always seemed fine for me, even on an iPad. But options are always good to have I suppose. Really loving the improved graphics and mechanics of this. Haven't played a ton yet, but it's one of my faves so far this week.
Anybody have tips for doing the 8 zombies scraped off in one game on expert challenge? I just picked this up today and I'm completely stuck on it.
If you haven't already, max out the amount of nitros on your current car Then i found picking 2 up on the same side, softening them up a bit with my guns bringing them to less than half health and only then use the nitro worked
To those who exp. lagging Turn on Reduce Transparency and Reduce Motion in Settings (under accessibility).
You're right. This was explained in the live stream. Official ZH2 livestream: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ay2NL5s8PnA
You're right. This was explained in the live stream. Official ZH2 livestream: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ay2NL5s8PnA