Universal Zombie Company Crusade: Extensive Troop Controls

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Rin1221, Nov 10, 2014.

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  1. workingman

    workingman Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    Bring on the soft launch, I'm waiting
  2. Back2funk

    Back2funk Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2010
    I got the news letter this morning :) looking forward to this but it seems the soft launch will only be for canada :(
  3. workingman

    workingman Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    I have many accounts and Canada is one of them
  4. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    #24 Rin1221, Jan 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
    Newsletters & Soft Launch

    Back2Funk: That is great that you got the newsletter! There should be a newsletter being sent out every month with updates on where we are with the game as well as information on all of the new features we are going to have. Glad that you subscribed :) Thanks! Also, if you would like, once soft launch in Canada is a go we have the ability to add a few extra testers (that do not have a canada account). We would just need your email and UDID numbers, you can send that to [email protected]

    workingman: Super stoked for soft launch in Canada! That is awesome that you have an account to access their network ;) Cannot wait to get your feedback on the game. We are not 100% positive but it is looking like soft launch will be sometime before the 1st of March.

    On another note, as of now we are working on getting the game translated into several different languages. Also, we are setting up a forum for Zombie Company Crusade that should be up and running in a week or so. Campaign mode is coming along great :)
    Stay tuned for more updates!
    Game on!
  5. workingman

    workingman Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    March is great. Just in time for my birthday
  6. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    New Feature: Zombie Survival Mode

    Introducing our new feature!
    Zombie Survival Mode is the ultimate test of the strength of you base camp. When initiating Zombie Survival Mode your base is hit with wave and ave of zombie hordes, each horde becoming stronger than the last.
    How long will your base be able to hold up against the zombie hordes? 1, 2 , 15 waves?

    Attached Files:

  7. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    App has been submitted!

    FINALLY! Zombie Company Crusade has been submitted into the App Store and is currently going through review for test launch in Canada!
    Big Thanks to everyone for their patience and support! We are ONE STEP CLOSER!


    Attached Files:

  8. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    Check out the first ever tutorial walkthrough with creator of Zombie Company Crusade, Thad David! Click HERE to watch.Also we have great news!! Zombie Company Crusade has been approved in the Apple App Store and has been sent to Canada for testing! We are still working out a few bugs but the game is VERY playable and VERY fun!
    We cannot wait to hear everyones feedback on game play.
  9. krama

    krama Member

    Sep 13, 2013
    Lots of Internet connection issues.
  10. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    Hi Krama!With the first test launch we have noticed that some players are experiencing internet connection issues and others aren't (honestly my account is also one of those experiencing these connection issues) and we are talking with the programmers an development team about this today trying to get it sorted out.
    Thank you for letting us know! Please keep us updated on any other issues or bug fixes you may come across we really appreciate it :)
  11. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    Good news!

    The internet connection issues many of our beta phase 1 testers were experiencing has been fixed in this new build! That was quite the nasty bug...
    Tentative hard launch for Zombie Company Crusade will be THIS SUMMER (most likely July).
    On another note, we are extending our beta testing from Canada in our beta phase 2!
    We want YOU, our supporters, to be a part of it!
    By subscribing to Zombie Company Crusade we can send you information needed for this beta.
    To subscribe go to www.zombiecompanycrusade.com

    Furthermore, We are also looking for YouTubers who want to get first hand action in ZCC for their channels! We will give out exclusive downloads of the game to be reviewed and played :)

    Attached Files:

  12. Lavender

    Lavender Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2013
    United States
    I subscribed. Would beta testing.
    Zombie fun!
    I still love the art!
  13. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    Thanks, Lavender!

    Saw that you subscribed and sent you the information for what to do to get the new beta upload that is coming out this Friday.
    We will be sending a follow up email shortly :)
  14. ikariofil

    ikariofil Member

    Aug 30, 2010
  15. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    Getting there!

    Alright everyone, we have sent out a beta test of the new build the beginning of Memorial Day weekend.
    We understand that the registration process for this build may have been a bit confusing and we thank you so much for your patience!
    We are in the works of putting together a much more convenient method of signing up for beta testing which should be sent to our subscribers this week.
    Those who are beta testing we have been getting AWESOME feedback which is super exciting! :D
    Cannot wait to hear what everyone has to say about Zombie Company Crusade!
    Thanks so much for the support everyone :)

    Attached Files:

  16. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    FINALLY! A GIF... or a few :)
    Here is some of our favorite game play features.

    1. Manipulate your Engineers- decrease your build time by 20% each time you add an engineer to the building your upgrading.

    2. Control your troops- control your troops individually or as a whole! Either way, no more sitting around watching your troop fight off a wall while there is real battling to be done!

    3. Zombie Survival Mode- how many waves of the zombie horde can your base withstand?!

    4. Although we will be changing up the Arena Mode (to provide a bigger challenge and better loot) here is what we have so far for this capture-the-flag style competition. Get ready to fight your friends and foes one-on-one!

    We are working on a new beta update that will be coming out this next.
    With this next update we plan on:
    -Including the Zombie Reward Drop (survival bonus: more grain gold & goods!)
    -Arena Mode corrections
    -Replays available
    -Obstacles (i.e. rocks and trees)
    -New Heros

    Also we will be introducing a new building!

    Attached Files:

  17. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    Updates and Replays

    Want to replay a glorious victory or epic fail?
    Now you can in Zombie Company Crusade and at 4 different speeds! (Note the speed selection at the top right-hand corner)

    We are planning to get a new beta update out in this next week.
    The game is looking great! We are just working on finishing campaign level base camps and tweaking certain troops settings.

    Also we are planning on releasing concept art for a new Hero!
  18. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    A Few New Beta Updates This Week

    Hope everyone is having a good Friday!

    We have sent out 2 new beta updates this week.
    Still working on tweaking a few things, but the good news is that we are on our way to getting the new field for Arena Mode up and running :)
    Still planning on making a few more adjustments so 1v1 battling is smoother.

    On another not, here is a quick little gif that demonstrates a building upgrade.
    Got to upgrade those farms to make more grain to feed your army!
  19. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    Zombie Zombies Zombies

    Happy Hump Day!
    Here is Some zombie action for you if your having some mid-week blues. Fear not, the weekend is one day closer and so is ZCC to iOS hard launch!

    By the way, we are having weekly polls on our Twitter page.
    Follow us and cast your vote on which one of your troops we will reveal this week!
  20. Rin1221

    Rin1221 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2014
    Fort Collins
    #40 Rin1221, Jun 22, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2015
    Zombies & Things

    We hope everyone had a great Fathers Day weekend :)
    This Fathers Day weekend we sent out a new beta update!
    In this weeks update we:
    -Dramatically reduced the file size of the game to allow better game play.
    -Included a zombie reward drop feature.
    -Display how many zombies attacked your base.
    -What kind of zombies attacked your base.

    Here you can (kind of...) see that at the end of a zombie raid it lists the kind of zombies and how many there were of each! (Sorry for the bad graphics due to Gif making.. they are much better in the actual game!)

    Once the zombie attack is finished you are now given a reward drop depending on how well your base was able to defend itself.

    Also to increase players ability to gain more goodies to build their base camp you can achieve objectives and collect on them!

    We are planning on having a new beta update out this next week that will introduce some of our favorite heroes :)

    If you cannot wait for the games hard launch release, Creator of Zombie Company Crusade (Thad David) has co-authored the Zombie Company Crusade ebook series! Parts 1-6 of Divide Then Conquer: The Zombie Company Crusade Series is available on iBooks, Amazon, and Nook Books!
    You may just find some characters in the book that you recognize from the game ;)
    For a quick shop stop for these click HERE

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