the game came out 2 days ago and you guys want more quests/armor/weapons?... Give it atleast a couple weeks then see about updating the content.
1 Translucent D-pad 2 Separate music volume from sound effects volume, currently music volume is too low compared to sound effects 3 Make the dialogue boxes look fancier and fit in with the rest of the screen 4 Ability to press "continue" after loading is complete so players can actually read the tips *Ones in bold lettering are really important in my opinion Congratulations on creating the best game for iPhone <3
I agree with the controls, but... I see this having some complaints, as there would have to be a confirmation before you drop your item to be combined. Really? This game has stellar graphics. I'm a big fan of 2D design and this is on par with most of my favorite SNES games (Seiken Densetsu 3 excluded, of course). The resolution doesn't have to be changed at all. I'm pretty sure that blocks and crates and signs already do this. I've actually had a problem with me stopping at signs when I really just want to walk around them.
The following post if perfect. Although far from perfect, it's the closest to perfect the imperfect app-store can provide as it is an app of near-perfect perfection. Online PvP please (b^-')b yes, they will, I'm 100% positive as a beta tester.
I would like them to update dungeons so they aren't so hard any more! I cant get past the cave of deceit )=
Objects you can push will not have your character auto-walk around it assuming you are facing the block in a direction that is can be pushed (no obstacles). Also when you are at a sign that you want to read, you won't go around it if you are actually facing it like you are supposed to. The auto-navigation is a huge help otherwise controls would be cumbersome. I love it where it is now and they do not need to change it. Learn to handle your character better. I have zero issues moving blocks or interacting with anything. The only thing I could see that might be an issue for some people is the buffering. If you hold the movement down too long, your character may move an extra "space" which might put your block in an unrecoverable position (at least until you reset that map). But it's not really a problem and that auto navigation is a god send when annoying flavor doodads like a bush or stalagmite is in your way. Rather than having to turn a few times to get around it, the game handles it for me.
people on the other zenonia thread was reporting that hard mode was missing. but I think its there. when you beat the game on the first play through, start a new game and see if hard mode is unlocked. i can't right now since im only at Libra Oasis.
Maybe I just haven't figured it out yet, but I don't know how hungry my character is unless he won't eat anymore or the SP bar drops. Is there a way to tell? If not they should add that in. Also the graphics could be better, I would sacrifice some memory and loading time to see the overall graphics of the game touched up a bit.
I'm not sure if any of you have played Arvale for the ipod touch or iphone but they have a combination of the d-pad and touch controls. I think that they should do the bigger and maybe translucent d-pad and then also support touch control where the character goes where you touch. Also have the character auto-focus on special items such as apples or signs, it gets kind of hard to actually pick them up or read the signs.
Some endgame content would be nice (a randomized tower with really hard monsters and some good loot, every x floors you would fight a random boss), but I'm hoping there's a New Game+ with hard mode or something. Besides that, controls could use some more work (already said). Graphics, its fine, though the character protraits look really stretched, blurry, and low-res. But the graphics is only a minor thing to me.
1) FONT 2) BUGS; skills dont dmg monsters at times 3) 'MORE GAMES' I have clicked that 3 times in a row by accident and have to reboot the game over and over before i actually play
a couple of things i think are essential updates: -) the ability to rotate the screen so the headphone jack isn't in the way of holding iphone /controlling etc. -) music loops must be developed into longer compositions with changes and embellishments etc. the main loop when you are near the start and running about in fields is mind scarringly short and repetitive. IF they are not going to be extended there MUST be an option to TURN THEM OFF while keeping SFX on. There should be an option to turn them off anyway. these are the only things that i think are essential so far - things that seriously hinder enjoyment of the game. other things that would be nice but are manageable as they are: -) enhanced menu system - larger and touch active. -) movement controls. many times i find if you want to stop on a certain spot - say to pick up an item - you end up passing over it. also unwanted dashing occurs fairly regularly. would be excellent if they could be more like an analog system, rather than run fast in 1 of 4 directions. -) would be great to see more sprite changes based on equipment / character class. -) other classes - esp. ranged weapon user.