I hate level grinding. i hate stat grinding. i hate jrpgs period. im not trying to annoy anybody just had to let that out.
You're not trying to annoy anyone by saying you hate some of the best games around? That's about as contradictory as saying "I'm not trying to say swear words, but @#$@#%*". /Fail Sure go back and play your mario/sonic/barney games.
Yeah I'm pretty sure its a Korean rpg and it delivers exactly what I would expect from a Korean RPG. JRPG's to me feel very different.
Why is everybody so sensitive sheesh.if somebody posted thier opinion of something u don't have to eat them alive and I'm sorry i said it was a jrpg I understand it's a krpg now.will u forgive me and anyways I love my iPod touch.
You stated your opinion by immediately flaming a genre, rather than saying I don't like JRPG's, cuz of this, not cuz of "Sucks, it should be shot, etc" For the record the game is a KRPG, it has a similar style but is somewhat different. Zenonia reminds me of Zelda, mixed with Fable dark/light path elements. It's more like Legend of Mana games, than anything. Most JRPG's are turn-based ala Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest.
The problem with this thread is that there is no discussion to be had. The OP hates jrpgs. /end of story.