Is it the ice thingy? Tips: avoid the falling ice by looking for the shadows the blocks throws on the ground, move around. Watch out for the snake like head motion the dragon does; dodge if you can, move in to the side of his head afterwards -- attack, move out. Repeat. Carry potions. Do you have a two-way portal scroll? Open a channel to a town to stock up. Do not move in too close to his body. There's lots of crap strewn around which will hinder your movement. Move towards the bottom of the screen, then wait for his attack with the head thingy, then move in. Stay away from his legs.
i'm struck on the "Examine Frosty Dungeon" quest. I entered the dungeon and am at Frosty Dungeon 1(jus after the entrance) and I can't seem to go beyond there. at the end of the screen(north) seems to hv an exit, but when i go in there it tells me I still hv things to do. i think i am missing something, but am not able to figure it out. can any1 help me pls? err...i'm playing as the magician
Go back to town and talk to the old man with a female name. I always found him to be extremely freaky.
Anyone come up with a decent Daza build yet? I'm thinking of 2 into con and alternating 1 into str and dex.
I´m level 42 using Lu Im focusing on str. Think is a good build? Edit: Instead of con was str, got confuse :S
Con isn't needed as much, a tanker (high hp) isn't really needed unless you're in a party (mmorpg party)
elemental help hey how or where do i find the stuff i need to add elements to my attacks im using the magician? and also if there is anyone on this fourm playing in pvp mode i would like to play them if possible mine name on there is slimboogie! thanks
I'm really frustrated right now... I totally played like 30 hours with all characters. I really dont know which character i want to play with! I always like the long range characters, so i tried ecne. But the long range wasnt that long range what i expected. But most of the time I use magic. So i tried the magicien. But with the special ability you have to be very close to your opponent, just like that unicorn-like character. I really dont know which one to pick.
can someone help me set up a good ranger? i put 2 dex and 1 int for every lvl and now im putting con 3 points per lvl ( im 20 now). Is that a good build?What about str? Is that needed? thx
Daza is for beginner I think. Consider going pure str, Daza can carry most amount of stuff on him before returning to town to unload. Lu can also go for str. Ecne and Morpiece going pure dex and pure int will have hard time consider you'll have to backtrack alot due to 100% weight.
I actually think the paladin is more of the begining class since it is more based around def and health. Each class gets a bonus from a different stat. Daza gets a bonus to attack for putting points into con, and with the Power of Blood passive skill at lvl 30 going pure con will allow for pretty evened out damage with the luxury of more health. Vice versa, putting points into survial instinct if you are pure str will give you bonus health regen to compensate for lack of health.