Hi guys, I'm really enjoying Zenonia 2, but I'm stuck Does anybody know what/ how to do the 'Examine frosty dungeon' quest? I've been trying it for ages but I really don't know what to do. Thanks in advance for any help Ell
Hi, you just simply go into the first room of the frosty dungeon and that's it then just go back to the town and speak again with the quest-giver
Are you kidding me? I spent over 2 hours trying to figure out what to do. Oh my God. I'm actually a noob! thanks
Hahahah I just had this exact same 'problem' till i warped back to town and realised i had finished the quest. Thankfully i didn't spend quite as long as you though but must be a badly worded quest if we both made the same mistake
Skippy's revenge Slightly different approach. Took the hint to do a "S" path. Worked out about the same.
dude i was stuck here for 2 hours too...i think i gained 4 levels while trying to figure out how to go deeper into the damn place.