Zenonia 2 PvP question/help

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Juneau, Mar 30, 2010.

  1. Juneau

    Juneau Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
    So I figured i'd try out the PvP with Lu the paladin at around level 10, and again at level 14. Even at level 14 I had some opponents at 20 which doesn't really bother me, as long as I actually have a chance to do anything vs them. However, i'm confused at how people hit so hard and have so much hp at their levels. 10 Vs 10 i'd have about 6k less hp to some people it seemed, at level 14 I was sitting on 1.2k hp which I thought was pretty good considering the mobs were dying in a few hits (level 12ish mobs). Then came the level 20 at 14, I died pretty quickly but i'm almost certain he was sitting on 18k hp, or close to it. How?

    I decided to start a new char and pvp asap to see how things were, at level 4 I fought someone who was level 1 only he had 5k hp, as oppose to my 600hp. How is this even possible? Am I missing something? Surely people haven't already started making low level twinks (if twinking's even possible)?
  2. o_o_lalala

    o_o_lalala New Member

    Apr 3, 2010
    believe it or not, there are already hacks you can install for Zenonia2. (though you need a jailbroken device)

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