New Update Out. Apart from the new table they FINALLY updated the resolution on the Retina iPad. Sadly they totally forgot to adjust the dot matrix display accordingly.So even set to "big" it's pretty small....
well the update has borked both my copies on iPad2 and 4s. Keeps coming up with a DL error everytime I try to load my tables back.
Same here, really annoying. +1. I really like the game and think it's the best pinball game on the appstore, got all the tables, but there's a bunch of stupied "non-gameplay" errors like the above mentioned one and the login popup.
The retina update for iPad 3 is great. Too bad for the display above the tables, which is too small to read the informations. Is it possible to fix ?
Downloaded the update and the app will not open at all, keeps crashing. I guess everyone else had this issue. Did you delete and re-install?
But still, after all these months they haven't fixed the size of the Dot-Matrix-Display on retina iPads. It is still way too small, even on the biggest setting. I am really disappointed...
Game Impressions Cute and stupid. While I don't think I've honestly ever found the Zen tables as compelling as the real ones in Pinball Arcade, I have to give them credit for solid releases. It isn't like every other update breaks existing tables and such.
That's a good part as to why I like Zen Pinball so much - the overall experience is fantastic! (That and I have no problem with arcade-y pinball - it's not like the game is pretending to be realistic with points floating around, etc.) I love the tables in Arcade Pinball as well (especially the ones I've played IRL) but the overall experience is horrid. And: TESLA!