Am I the only one that prefers moving cameras? The table feels kinda dead to me without. Even on real machines I lean forward when the ball is at the top so when it comes to Zen Pinball I'll definitely take a more detailed close-up than a less detailed wide shot. The motion has to be smooth though, and I wouldn't play with a left-right moving camera, just up and down will do
How's the frame rate on iPhone 4s? Like the older Zen pinball tables, inferno and whatever that other one was.. the Zen developers obviously don't PLAY pinball, they just admire the pretty lights. Frame rate is crucial for a good pinball experience and this one just doesn't deliver, at least not on a 3GS. Same was the case with the older pinballs and back then the 3GS was the top of the line!! Looking at the videos, the frame rate and smoothness of the balls looks choppy. Might be an amazing table but who cares if it doesn't run smoothly.
Ah! As I suspected. Zen studios does it again.. they don't give a rats ass about performance (never did with the old tables either) and just want to sell pretty pictures. Too bad..
Performance is very smooth on ipad2 - as it should be. I have a 3GS as well but no interest in playing on the smaller screen. I do wish for antialiasing on the ball and a bit closer graphics to Xbox 360 tho. Even if it's an ipad2 only mode.
The frame rate is excellent on my Touch 4G. I'd say between 30 and 60 on the Wolverine table. In fact I was even able to test this just now while simultaneously syncing 50+ updates to my device via iTunes. Perfectly playable, and this is with the dot matrix display and arcade effects turned on. I haven't tried the Captain America table though, which is reportedly the worst performing of the three released so far.
I've been disliking moving cam for almost all pinball games but in Zen pinball, I like to play in landscape with view 6 which is the moving cam, and with large matrix diplay on my iPad2. I just don't want to miss detailed objects and moving cam in Zen pinball somehow don't feel frustrating, rather fun.. Yeah, I'm same with you with the real machines.
The frame rate seems to be mostly good on the latest hardware (iPad 2 and 4S).....but while these new Zen tables don't run 100% smooth on older devices (yet anyway), they are still WAY better than Zen's older stuff (inferno and the roller coaster). I do think Zen will increase the performance too because it sounds like they already have improved the Android app quite a bit (updates don't require the same approval time on Android, so they've already pushed out a couple while we're still waiting for the first one to be approved by Apple).
Wish I could say the same. I continue to have issues, especially in multiball modes. I haven't tried turning off the LCD yet, but hate to do that.
I actually silently suspected that the performance hit might be a programming bug that isn't affecting all users, I just didn't mention it because it usually ends with someone else arguing that the game is just badly-made and useless. Yeah, it's really good for me though. I made sure to reboot my device after downloading (which I don't usually do) because I figured it'd be intensive, and it's been just as smooth as every other pinball game I've played, if not smoother than some.
ZEN PINBALL is one of the nominees for Touch Arcade Game of the Week. Do you like this fabulously great interactive advanced 3D ball physics? If you think ZEN PINBALL deserves to be the winner of TAGOTW, give it your vote now! [thread=114872]VOTE HERE[/thread]
You think? General consensus seems to be that Black Ops is worse than the previous game, itself paling in comparison to the console version, itself paling in comparison to other console games. It's hard to fault IB2, but I'm not very impressed by it this time around, as I've seen most of it before with IB. Admittedly pinball games aren't new, but for a developer of such a quality franchise to finally get their tables to near-perfect condition on iOS is both amazing and exciting at the same time.
In a recent scientific study, two people have been found to have no idea what makes a good pinball game.
Funny, but I can see people not liking the game if they only like real tables or if they are playing on an iphone or ipod and can't deal with the small screen. Personally, I like new tables that let you discover stuff as you play rather than old tables that were mastered decades ago and have a zillion tutorial videos showing you how to do every possible thing on the table.
Maybe, but Zen Pinball is on my iPhone (and my daughter's iPad) and neither of those other games are. Don't get me wrong - I played through sequels to both of the other games... and deleted them. Pinball games tend to stay on my iPhone a lot longer. (And not to sidetrack, but I'm still not over the OMG Tristan Pinball is awesome on the iPad!!!1!1!!!!11!eleven phase yet! )