I guess this could be a poll but let's start with freeform discussion: Would you, an existing owner of Zen Bound, be willing to pay for additional content? Tree of Nostalgia will be free, so don't anyone panic. It's coming. This question is about any hypothetical future level sets. To get this conversation started on the right direction, I'll put on my biz hat and talk about the realities of development. Zen Bound has been a very positive turn for Secret Exit. The game went up the charts and stayed there for a few weeks before going down to its current position. That said, any update to a game mainly serves the existing customer base and to an extent protects the tail end of the sales from negative reviews. There are very few titles that improve their ranking position by providing an update (sure, there are exceptions). So let's forget about "you should release new content for free to boost your sales". It works for Pocket God, but they extend the functionality of the app with every update, Zen Bound isn't a comparable product or even in a similar situation. The only relevant question (again, from the business perspective) is: "Does the existing audience of Zen Bound still find the gameplay engaging, to the extent that if we put effort into making a new Tree (or more Trees), the effort would pay the wages for those involved?" Here's what it takes to create a new level set: - Think of a theme that fits the game - Come up with and design 25 objects that fit in with the theme, can be presented with a low amount of polygons and also work well with the rope-tying mechanic - Model the objects - Create multiple texture sets both for the objects and for the level selection Tree - Adjust the difficulty curve for the level set (rope thickness, rope amount, order of levels, lantern gate limits) - Test, rinse, repeat - Localize to all supported languages Pricing is of course a discussion on its own, but for now let's play with the idea that an extra Tree with new 25 levels would cost $1 to purchase and download. I ask everyone to refrain from the "all DLC is evil" rants. The fact is developing new content isn't free for us, and releasing it for free wouldn't make back the development costs. Please share your thoughts.
Yes. DLC should be judged on the quality of the base game/app and the reputation of the developer. Yours is a title I would have no hesitation in paying to get more.
I don't mind paying $1 for a new tree. It prolongs the game's lifespan and replayability. Plus, I know it's quality, not just a cheap effort to make quick bucks. Above all, it's not a must, so those who are happy with what they have can opt not to buy it. No one forces them to buy it. But just as a bonus that they've purchased your game, giving them 1 free object per tree wouldn't hurt? Think of it as a 'taste'
Would you, an existing owner of Zen Bound, be willing to pay for additional content? Hi Frand, First of all I'd like to say kudos to you for being a regular presence on these forums, it does make a difference when someone from the development team provides a voice & also to all at Secret Exit for their amazing & continued work on Zen Bound. Me personaly, I'd have no problem with paying for additional content in the future, especially when you put into perspective how much time/effort goes into producing/updating a game. I'm just pleased to hear that Zen Bound is still going to be an continued priority for Secret Exit. I also think the way the App store functions & operates will have to change & update just like the App's it sells do, where games become more sophisticated & development time/costs increase I feel it is inevitable that for some games at least, will have to charge for future updates. The only problem I can forsee is the definition of "Update" itself, Does this mean bug fixes & minor changes would be charged for as well as new major game content? (I'm not just targeting Zen Bound with this question but all App's). Change can sometimes be painful & I'm sure there will be lot's of outcry at charged updates, but it may be that the time of the less sophisticated, quick-fix simpler App's making a profit for developers is coming to an end (there are ofcourse a few exceptions). More ambitious App's like Zen Bound with a strong brand identity could perhaps shape the way the App store operates in the future. It just looks like to me that gaming on the iPod Touch/iPhone is maturing extremely fast & is proving itself to be a viable platform & perhaps that we as consumers have had to good for too long...
for this quality of game i WOULD PAY for an update. however, even if you didn't charge, creating great updates increases you popularity, and your next project i believe will reap the dvidends of your extra work to make your last game as good as possible. surely getting more sales and interest (just like spin helped a little with zen bound) but i can totally see your point of view. However i must say there is still no doubt in my mind that paid updates will kill the appstore off within a year or two. NO DOUBT. your game is a one in a million. but i cant begin to imagine the horrors that will begin when 3.0 comes to fruition with all the other not so perfect apps. instead of people buying 10 apps a week, it will be 2 or three then waiting for updates. just remember paid update may pay the wages, but i guarentee it will globally slowdown sales, appstore is a BOOM market right now. and 3.0 is what will slow that down for SURE.
I agree, I think zen bound is the only game I have that I'd pay for updates for rght now. $1/tree sounds reasonable. but then why is the game $5 now and not $2
Give me Nostalgia, free, and I'll be more than happy. I like the game as it is, and the new tree would pretty much be the cherry on top of the sundae. It will consolidate your reputation. As you said, more levels will not change the nature of the game, so will not expand your sales by much, other than reaching out to new iphone/touch owners. I'd be happy to pay for more levels as long as they bring something new and fresh to the challenge and are not just milking the existing customer base with more of the same. 3.0 will be a real test of dev's ethics, and the danger is in devs holding back on features, luring customers in with a great concept but little content, that only comes with paid for upgrades. This forum and others will do their best to keep all of you devs walking a straight line!
25 levels for $0,99 is good value. If there are any new games out that look really good I'll probably buy those, but if there's a "slow game week", a new Zen Bound Tree would be a very good alternative. (Guaranteed value for money)
Personally i think that $1 is tooo cheap for another 25 levels, i'd be happy to pay more then double that. bearing in mind that the more support the devs get, the more likely of new and exciting content and games in the future. the only instance of paid dlc i am not supportve of is the buy an ingame shirt or new item (sims style) for a $1 each.... it doesnt make the game any better, and is needless. hope devs dont decide to hold out on features on the initial release and decide to charge a bucket load when they add them, that would be a bit missleading.
Given the quality of the game I'd be more then willing to pay $.99 for a new tree. I actually don't think $1.99 is un-reasonable given the quality of the game and how much it takes advantage of the iphone. It's been one of the few apps that really feels like it was made for the iphone and has the production values I'd hope for. I don't think all apps can command more money for more levels but Zen Bound could. Have you thought of doing something like a stand alone expansion - basically a Zen Bound 1.5 (with a clever sub-title) and selling it for $2.99 with 2 new trees? Since the main work on the game engine is done it would be a way to get another new app in the store and still make the money needed to continue.
1$ is justified for 25 new levels but i still don't like the idea.In game purchases would mean there would be a lot of impulsive buying which is bad for everybody.
I didn't know you could actually charge for updates Everyone always talk about FREE updates but I always thought there wasn't another way, that they were always free. Anyway, I wouldn't mind paying 1 buck for 25 extra levels of the best game on my ipod touch.
you cannot compare consoles to the app store. the appstore is a value marketplace filled with countless games. consoles charge £40 for games. so £5 dlc doesn't affect it as much. but the appstore is about paying for a cheap app and hoping you enjoy it. free updates are what makes this work because a lot of the time independant devs need to get some cashflow in before updating the game to what they originally planned it to be. thus paid updates will lead to a lot of people being more careful when buying, knowing that if this app is not great they will probably be shelling out more money to get the game they original thought it was. without free updates i wouldn't have bought mayb 50 apps. and while not everyone will be like me, i imagine most would follow a similar process. you can disagree, but i would bet my house on global sales of apps going down as soon as most devs stop giving free updates.
Expected price drop?? Hi All, Just played the lite edition and pretty much loved it. As players who ve followed Zen Bound, do you expect any price drop, say to $2.99? That's the max price I pay for my games so far and I'm willing to wait it out. Though looking at some of the screen shots of the figures on this forum is weakening my will Also do you expect the price to go up from 4.99, cause then I may buy it at that price?
If you enjoyed the lite version, get the full version now. I very highly doubt the game will dip below $5 any time soon; and frankly, it shouldn't. It's worth every single penny.
If you released $1 per tree, I would be satisfied, but the tree would have to have something unique about it. I don't want to play through the same thing with a different texture. I know you will mix it up, but I would love to see objects with multiple parts that move independently. For example: allow the level with four birds the ability to move each bird without the others moving as well, or a snow man where you can rotate each individual layer of the snowman.