The only way to increase that is to raise it in the screen wish cash. You can raise its duration. As to the upgrade I remember the final upgrade on damage was 2500. You've got a bit to go. Billy
You can also buy a power up before each day that will start you with one full slow time meter. That will only last for about 7 or 8 seconds but you can upgrade the duration in the upgrade section.
You're right. I've never purchased them because they are so expensive and I needed every $ for upgrades. I completely forgot. How are you making out? Billy
Yeah I don't buy them either but I've gotten them from the bonus wheel. I've fully upgraded the shotgun and it's really the only thing I use. Lol Now I'm just saving up to buy the rest of the weapons and get it out of the way. Then I plan to upgrade them all at the same rate unless I really like one of them. I suspect the grenade launcher may get upgraded first. Earlier today I made over 1400 in one day. That's my highest so far. Of course it was a boss fight.
I'm stuck on day 36, and the mission is to slow zombies for 20 seconds. I have no idea how to get slow time besides buying it in the boosters. I'd be really happy for some help here.
The slow time meter will fill up as you shot Zs. One full meter will slow time for about 7 - 8 seconds. You can upgrade the duration of the meter in the upgrade section.
Just got there. Laser rifle is capped. Torn between shotgun or grenade next. This game has been quite fun. I'll play three or four days then it sits for a while. For myself any game that stays installed after a day or two must have something
Hope the developers are still watching this... I've noticed a glitch (for lack of a better definition). Not in game, but caused by the game. More often than not the screen will reduce brightness while I'm playing and not go back to normal brightness at all. My solution has been to restart my phone. I've an iPhone 7. Here's to hoping you fix it. Obviously it's not a game killer, but it is a pain in the rear. CB
Combo question I've made it to day 186 and I still cannot figure out the combo. I've managed to get lucky so far every time this challenge comes up. Anyone with a tip? I don't see a pattern.
You need a fast firing weapon with a lot of ammo like the minigun. If you keep it on a zombie you'll see the combo meter shoot right up. Billy