Dark fear and agent a are becoming some of my favorite of their genres . Anyone know what this genre is called. Want to find the best of its genre and add to my favorites before just adding one that I just tried
I was writing something, then i remembered you opened a similar thread and i found this: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=274625 I would like to add Hellraid: The Escape to those mentioned in that thread. It's also in first person, but movement is in realtime as opposed to the Myst system that Dark Fear uses. You cant go wrong with The Room Trilogy either. It's more of a contraption-centric puzzle, but it does have the same vibe of a first person escapist adventure game.
Thanks for that suggestion of hell raid . Downloading now . Tip five favorites change for me. I guess I would have to just go with what I enjoyed the most and most time played. Prince billy bob rpg has had all my attention since its release .