I don't read STP or TA reviews... or any at all. One person's opinion means very little to me, even if we agree on a bunch of things we won't agree on everything. The only reason I read reviews is to get facts. Usually for consoles games to determine the estimated length, different modes, gameplay mechanics... anything that's opinionated I ignore. Since most iPhone games just list these facts in the app description that negates a lot of the need to read reviews, anything I'm still missing after the description I can get from this forum. It doesn't really matter how well-written the TA reviews may be, it still doesn't tell me anything I need to know other than one guy thinks it's fun.
I understand that game review sites will review the creme of the crop to be time efficient. But what I meant was that they give the 4, their top 'Must Buy' rating to games which are good, but still have some flaws. It makes it harder for one to distinguish the very good from the outstanding.
Ah, that makes sense. I didn't know 4 was their top rating, I was thinking of a scale of 5. It would make more sense handing out 4s with 4 being very good and 5 being must buy/the best of the best.