apple sends you an iphone 5 from japan and it has no sim card so you have to return it and wait like another week for a new, hopefully american one. any opionons on this :/
Hope you're holding up okay. I know this is tough but hang in there. People will tell you things like 'it'll be okay' and 'you'll get over it' but they don't know the true horror. They don't know the pain. Just keep telling yourself, try to repeat if in your head, like a mantra 'It's a mobile phone. A mobile phone.' If your thoughts leads anywhere darker, please, for everyones sake - contact the the Genius Bar.
Man you gotta wait a whole week!! How can you live with this?!? Seriously it's just one week, it's not that big of a time. It's not like it's that amazing phone
If it was me I'd be going insane. I still have until thursday till my iPhone arrives and I think I'll snap if there's a single thing wrong with it.
Going through waiting a week more? Well I guess I don't see your point of view since dad hasn't bought me a new phone in over 3 years and I'm still rocking a rock solid unbreakable Nokia 3120 classic.
I mean how would you feel if you have been waiting for years to get an iPhone and you they send you a messed up one! I mean pretend the iPhone is something you really want, or something you really care about And I mean going through talking to sprint and apple for at least 6 hours all together
I don't get allowance I have saved 250 but I'm gonna use it for clothes, fl studio etc. dad buys them because it's a monthly pay of 20(for iPhone 5), my last contract was only 3 per month so that's why I probably DO have to pay for some myself. And I see your point now, been fantasizing of an iPhone since iPhone 4
It's also my money I'm spending and I'm paying the bills, I mean if you don't get it whatever, it doesn't matter.