Universal Yolky Unbound (by Hopasha)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Fat Mouse, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. Fat Mouse

    Fat Mouse Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
    independent game developer
    #21 Fat Mouse, Apr 29, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
    Version 1.1 is out. Please update. Leaderboard should work correctly now.
    edit: never mind, leaderboard is still not updating correctly :confused: I will investigate further..
    sebgo likes this.
  2. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    Meanwhile, I will get a bit further.
    Fat Mouse likes this.
  3. Fat Mouse

    Fat Mouse Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
    independent game developer
    niiiiiice! Congrats. was C1L15 difficult to perfect?
    sebgo likes this.
  4. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    #24 sebgo, Apr 29, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2024
    Not really. I think C1L13 was harder; can't remember exactly if that was it, but L15 didn't take me as many attempts as some previous levels, because I approached it slowly.

    Edit: Just checked my screen time records and it shows I've spent 01H49M in the app. Not bad for Chapter 01 in terms of duration, I think. With the game spanning another three chapters with increasing difficulty, it's gonna take like 10 hours or more to finish.
    Fat Mouse likes this.
  5. Fat Mouse

    Fat Mouse Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
    independent game developer
    I was myself surprised of how long the game is when trying to perfect every level . Definitely way over 10 hours :D
    sebgo likes this.
  6. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    C02 levels are HARD.

    You, guys, better get ready to be scrambled eggs. Thank Dog controls are so good, otherwise it'd be a really frustrating experience. C02L05 had my heart pumping fast near the end when, after several attempts, I almost made a mistake that would have made me start over (been playing only to perfect levels).

    QoL feature request: Screen rotation. Sometimes, I play while my phone is charging and my cable comes from my left side, making me bend it a little, therefore gameplay gets slightly (very slightly, actually) uncomfy.

    Time spent playing C02L01-05: 43 minutes. That's an over 2 hours forecast for Chapter 2.
    ( °⌓°)

    It'd be nice having a stats screen in the future, for stuff like a death counter, corn/berries collection and total time spent in the game.

    So far, this is my GotW, really enjoying it. ~♡

    I'm biased: eggs and bossa nova are amongst the greatest things I've experienced in my life.


    I'm actually eating a boiled egg right now, although it's not the one in the picture. That one is long gone.
    Fat Mouse likes this.
  7. Fat Mouse

    Fat Mouse Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
    independent game developer
    #27 Fat Mouse, Apr 30, 2024
    Last edited: May 1, 2024
    Ahahaah nice spoiler. This weekend it will be Easter holiday in my country, the traditional food is colourful boiled eggs so I will eat that for 3 days straight :D
    Screen rotation would be nice but unfortunately when I activate it it doesn't work and because I'm a noob developer :(,for now i had to leave it as is. sorry. I like the stats idea a lot, it will be indeed a nice addition in the future. At the moment i'm still trying to fix the leaderboard and integrate a better ad network (already over my head :confused:)

    Over 2 hours for chapter 2!? I see you are an optimist. hihi
    If you find some levels to be frustratingly hard/unfair and you believe those are levels that make the player quit the game, please let me know. I would like to adjust them a bit in a future update.

    OMG! GotW?! Thank you so much <3 You are way too kind
    sebgo likes this.
  8. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    That's quite interesting and I'd like to see.

    Oh, no problem. For a "noob" whose second game has grabbed my attention, you're quite good. I mean, I'm still surprised I can't blame my countless failures on the controls.

    In C02, I think only L15 made me lose my cool more than once and I actually ended up finding a spot that was kinda forgiving and allowed me to... [drumroll] perfect it.

    Well, I said MY GotW; as you might have noticed, I'm digging Yolky Unbound a lot. I've tried only one other game and it's quite interesting but it did not captivate me beyond the trial for longer than one hour.

    With that aside...


    3H15M for C02, damn. That was hard, I think mostly in L13 and L15.
    Fat Mouse likes this.
  9. Fat Mouse

    Fat Mouse Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
    independent game developer
    #29 Fat Mouse, May 1, 2024
    Last edited: May 2, 2024
    I will post a picture

    Music to my ears

    I am super impressed . The friend I gave the game to test (2 weeks before launch) is still testing :)


    Congratulation!!! That was hard indeed. C03 should be easier now that you got used to the C02 mechanics :). I can't wait for you to complete it all and hear your thoughts on the endgame.
  10. ColeDaddy

    ColeDaddy Silver Supporter<br>Moderator
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    Mar 20, 2010
    Washington D.C.
    I’m really enjoying this game and purchased iap. I’d recommend a couple of things:
    1. allow users to view the entire field of play so we can plan our moves in advance
    2. Include the option to have intermittent save points throughout a level, so if a player accidentally knocks down a much needed brick, for example, he doesn’t have to start all over.

    overall, this is my true GOTW
    Fat Mouse likes this.
  11. Fat Mouse

    Fat Mouse Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
    independent game developer
    Thank you so much for the purchase and especially for GOTW. I can't believe it :D
    I like the idea of having some save points .I think it would be very helpful in the big levels since a tiny mistake have such a big cost on the player.
    Hmm, If I allow the player to see the whole game field, I think it will get very easy for the players who are only looking to find the exit and not trying to perfect it. They will check where the exit is and take a direct route to it without exploring the level/trying to find the exit themselves. But you know what i can do with this idea? I can create a shop to sell maps for each level so that people can use the corn they collected to purchase them. this will also make the corn more valuable. I love it :D. Thank you for inspiring me.
    ColeDaddy and squarezero like this.
  12. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    #32 sebgo, May 5, 2024
    Last edited: May 6, 2024

    I tried this so many times, that I may be able to speedrun it by now. Took me about 30 minutes, maybe more.

    As for Cole's suggestions, I'm ok with the current difficulty. If a block is broken, it's totally the player's fault; the same applies if a block ends up stuck in lower ground. Exploring and learning enemy/blocks locations are a vital part of the experience, since planning and careful execution is where the game's puzzle nature shines and probably where the developer spent a good amount of time to build around.

    After all, controls are superb which allow said execution, and I'd dare say anyone aiming to perfect every level is actually itching for a challenge, which checkpoints and a map preview would definitely kill.

    Playing the game while only aiming for the exit is a breeze in comparison and definitely a bummer (I played a few, 3 or 4 levels in chapter 3 in a row, including C3L06, without trying to perfect them and that took me about 10 minutes, which is near the average time I've spent for getting a single perfect level.

    I know people have different skill/patience levels, but I think the game's current state is balanced properly between a chill platformer and a difficult one, depending on the player's goal. Since perfect levels are evidently achievable, I say there's no need to nerf the difficulty.

    Maps at the expense of corn sounds like a great idea, though. That'll kill the aspect of learning levels layouts but still allow others to rely on memory, repetition and sacrifice. As for checkpoints, if implemented, it'd be nice having them as an option rather than default; even the bigger levels are cleared quite fast after the player has retried them several times.

    P.S: Just unlocked Ember, that's my favorite color scheme so far!

    According to screentime records, I've spent a total of 7H57M in the game this week. That, plus 1H49M from last week, take it to a 9H46M total time across 45 perfect levels; about 13 minutes per level on average, minus whatever time I spent playing without aiming for a perfect, checking leaderboards and moving through menus (I spent little time watching ads; I hacked them in order to avoid them ;)).


    This is how I hacked ads:
    ↓ ↓ ↓

    9 is a cool number

    From top to bottom, capital letters will get you the code to redeem a blessing from his Eggcellency, the Egg King. Please, let me know you redeemed it by replying to this thread.

    The code was redeemed already; but stay tuned, for there will be more cheats, soon! Enjoy your eggs.

    Edit: Update on progress and total time played.
    Fat Mouse likes this.
  13. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    I redeemed it, @sebgo. Thank you, that is eggcellent!
    Fat Mouse and sebgo like this.
  14. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    #34 sebgo, May 6, 2024
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
    Good! I hope you enjoy the game as much as I do! (Thank the developer, btw, not me!)

    Here's a silly riddle-ish hint for an Ads-free omelet eggsperience:

    [-] A single digit number; associated with "the beast" by the popular metal band, Copper Damsel.

    [-][-] Two letters; usually express a bigger size than "big".

    [-][-][-] Three letters; a very popular compressed file format for which its most common software license is apparently infinite!

    [-] One letter; this can be seen on the cap of a renown plumber's, green garbed kin.

    [-][-] A two digits number; marks the year a very popular JRPG franchise made a jump to the realm of polygons.

    [-][-][-] Three letters; the roman alphabet's three last letters, except the last one seems to have been tipped over!

    Please, report if you figure it out and redeem it.

    Just get and play the game!
    Fat Mouse and Anotherkellydown like this.
  15. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

  16. Fat Mouse

    Fat Mouse Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
    independent game developer
    Hihi Nice. I was just about to post .
    I hope I got the leaderboard right this time. Everything was good when I tested but you never know :D
  17. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    Just checked and:

    1. Score is updated correctly in leaderboards.
    2. An artifact corn issue is fixed as well; tapped it, got the "you already claimed your reward" message but still added the corresponding amount that was missing. I double checked to see if it was giving it multiple times, but it's working right.
    3. I need to go back to it soon, because there's someone behind my trail in the leaderboards!
    Fat Mouse likes this.
  18. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Despite seeing all the comments I didn’t click on this thread because of the name. I thought nah that’ll be some weird thing I’m not interested in.

    Then I seen an article online about it and come back here to come on the thread and it actually sounds really good. I’ve given it a download to try it out and it’s nice to see there’s an option to remove adds at a fair price too.
    decript, Fat Mouse and sebgo like this.
  19. sebgo

    sebgo Well-Known Member

    You may try to solve my shitty riddle from an earlier post and get a code to remove ads or buy it. Your choice. ・‿・
    ste86uk likes this.
  20. Fat Mouse

    Fat Mouse Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2011
    independent game developer
    #40 Fat Mouse, May 10, 2024
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
    Hey guys. Version 1.3 is out .
    I got tired of dealing with Ad networks and sdks and app privacy and tracking and all these things, so I decided to make Yolky Unbound a premium app priced at $1.99 (a good decision...I hope)

    I removed all the iaps from the game
    I removed all the ads (of course :D) and any form of tracking.
    I removed the privacy policy and the revoke consent

    I improved the performance (now that the app is no longer searching and loading ads to show, it feels more responsive especially on older devices)
    I added a 500 corn reward after each chapter completion.
    I now sacrifice an egg every time you check the score (please don't ask)

    The price change will happen tomorrow, so if you want you can grab the game now while it is free and enjoy the premium experience but shhhh don't tell anyone.

    sorry @sebgo for invalidating the riddle

    Thank you very much for giving it a try. I hope you find it nice <3

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