I love folklore and mythology and think I know quite a few things about this stuff. So, I wondered - after reading this thread - that nobody connected the horse and the lake right now. There's also an image where a horse (in a suit) is standing in a lake or river in one of the teaser / trailers. There's a mythological creature called Kelpie. It comes straight from celtic folklore. They also had another white horse in a picture on their blog. Looking at this picture and comparing it to the other picture of the white... or PALE horse, there are a lot of similiarities: And here is another hint of Simogo's pale horse: They're mentioning it again and again. The Kelpie is an evil water spirit, in some stories able to transform itself into a beatutiful woman (temptress?) - to lure humans into doom. Mostly childs or men, it drowns and eats them. There's more: You notice the word "nøkken", or "noekken"? Used also in the title of the wikipedia picture they've posted a long while ago. Read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelpie
Nice expansion on the mythology Vovin! I know we skimmed the surface of the pale horse early in the thread. But I set off on a biblical tangent. Your connection definitely seems more on topic. Haha @Wicked: yeah I hope so! Feel like a 12 year old talking about Year Walk. That feeling you used to get after reading a particularly exciting or scary Goosebumps novel.
The pics of the Simogo guys breaking out champagne leads me to believe Year Walk is finished. I think we can expect it to be released on February 21 as they would surely want to miss the Real Racing 3 crush on Feb 28th. Any day now they should be announcing the final twist they have mentioned many times.
Simogo has now replaced the question mark in this image below with a picture of the white goat with some text but I can't read it at this minute. I think it says "Cyco...something" Here's a bigger version of the pic. It looks like there are arrows on the side of the picture as if you can switch between episodes or stories or creatures encountered? It looks a bit like this image below. Notice the arrows on the side of that image as well. Maybe this is the 2nd app? It could be like an interactive book about Year Walks and the things you encounter in the game.
Are those newspaper clippings new as well? I don't remember seein them before. Can't do much at the moment with such a small image, I'm at work on my phone.
The clippings don't seem related. I think that is just for the art aspect of it. They're way too small to even attempt to read.
Well, the secrets are over. Year Walk and its companion app launch on Feb 21. http://simogo.com/blog/2013/02/15/year-walk-companion-release-date/ There is also a new trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LVz_MhMsAvs At the end of the trailer, they show how to use the app. Looks like you may encounter random things in the game like drawings that you may want to look up on the companion app. Maybe there is a place to track what you have found and various secrets. Our work is done. I will miss this. It was fun. Now we can post about secrets in the game!
In European literature and folklore, the goat often represented the determined, stubborn side of mankind. The goat is also (right after the dog) the earliest domesticated animal in history. Moreover, the goat has a strong meaning in Northern European mythology. There's the Yule Goat (kind of a christmas goat) and of course, Odens famous goat Heidrun.
Year Walk is now out in New Zealand. I have downloaded the companion app while I wait for the game to hit the US app store. I am not sure if I should keep using this thread to post secrets from the game or if I should post in the official game thread. I'll post here for now and then see what happens in that thread. Here is a pic of the companion app. Existing entries include: Arsgang, Skogsraet, Backahasten, Mylingen, Nattravnen and Kyrkogrimen. What you may not have been aware of is that there is a lock in the upper right hand corner that requires a code to unlock, presumably, more material. Here is a screen of that interface:
Very excited! I think I'll unsubscribe from the Simogo threads for the time being. At least until I've completed and experienced my personal Year Walk. In keeping with Simogo's intention, I don't wanna stumble into spoilers, I want every discovery and mistake to be my own. Thanks to everyone who collaborated with the thread in revealing Simogo's clues. Special thanks to Wicked. It's been tons of fun! Cheers guys and gals! May you all have a fruitful Year Walk! (I know that's super cheesy but whatevs)