Year Walk Riddle Decoders Club - Deciphering Simogo's Next Game

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Wicked8146, Aug 22, 2012.

  1. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
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    #1 Wicked8146, Aug 22, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012



    The game has been announced. It is called Year Walk.


    Hey guys,

    I am a huge fan of Beat Sneak Bandit and I know many of you are as well so I am excited about Simogo's new game dubbed "Game 4". So far it is a secret but they keep dropping little clues here and there. Jared already made a post about this previously:

    They posted this image to their twitter feed:

    And this on their blog:
    With a title that is a number sequence that ads up to 8. The text over the picture also says "8".

    The new image on is called "2of9.gif"

    Also, has now changed. The title of the page says 8 and their twitter feed says "it changes everyday". It is definitely a countdown.

    They were at GDC and showed off some stuff but I have not been able to find anything about it on the internet. They keep dropping hints on their twitter account @simogogames

    Here's what has been shown so far:

    The image from Jared's post which is a QR code:


    As Jared states, the QR code goes here:

    In the comments of the post they link to this book:

    All of their recent efforts have been pointing people to their teaser site here:

    This just changed it today to host an animated gif on the front page:

    I found a gif frame extractor:

    Here is the castle with an image of that goat looking thing in the window:

    Here is the goat guy in the window of a house:

    Here is the goat guy in someone's eye:

    After you click on it, you get 5 images:

    When you roll over each image they say:
    "this night belongs to them"
    The top of the site says "No sleep No Food No Light" and the page is /watchers.htm

    In the comments of one of their posts they put a few letters in bold as a clue:

    "Yikes! Don’t ask how it happened but it seeMs that we’re giving a talk at GDC Europe.

    Here’s our session!

    In other news, work on GAME4 is going well. TouchArcade picked up a few of our mysteries. How You found them aLl?

    ThINGs might be a little quiet around here for some weeks, hope that’s ok!"

    The letters M-Y-L-I-N-G are in bold.

    They post stuff on their blog hinting at the game:


    Some more clues via twitter:

    "Some of our inspirations for GAME4 include: FPS games, Yuri Norstein, Pop-up books, the iPhone safari browser, Zelda games and folk lore."

    "We just added foot step sounds to GAME4 and OH MY it's like a little world in there, now!"

    "In the birthplace of she who ended Cladius days, first imagery in rapid sequence." (Ed:Cladius was ended by his wife, Agrippina, who was from Cologne,Germany. GDC was in Cologne Germany.)

    "Magic ink is a great thing, because you can write secret things with it."

    In summary, it seems they are teasing a game about 5 creatures, a mysterious lake (in Sweden?) and a horse.

    Anyone have anything else?
  2. Ninjagorilla

    Ninjagorilla Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2010
    Awesome digging there :D
    There's definitely more stuff at our blog though, tee-hee!
  3. arta

    arta Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
  4. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
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    Edited OP with lots of new info.
  5. aeranth

    aeranth Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    Wow, Wicked 8146, that's some seriously great and thorough detective work you've done there. Very nicely done. And very 'helpful', as well. Attempting to peer through all the opaque, cryptic missives for some kind of clue, or message, is easily ratcheting up my excitement for this game to a new level... What could it all mean? What could it be? Simogo, you guys are just too talented...
  6. Jontunn

    Jontunn Active Member

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    I'm interested, that's for sure
  7. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

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    #7 Eoghann, Aug 29, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
    I love how these guys always push themselves to new boundaries! They love experimenting new genres.

    Subscribing to keep updated on this. Great sleuthing! :)

    For what it's worth, I just went to And the title of the page says "8".
    And the name of the .gif is now "2of9.gif".

    Also, I decided to take a look myself at ALMSTEN.GIF (as far as I can tell that's a location in Sweden).

    And I found a few more frames where the goat is located:



  8. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
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    #8 Wicked8146, Aug 29, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2012
    Awesome guys. Thanks for the props. The page now says "7" today with a new image on the blog.


    The Lake Wary logo now has the "e" animated.


    This image is 3of9.gif I already tried fusking the images with no success. They are too smart for that. I'm currently investigating the names of the photos with the numbers drawn on hands. Right now there is no pattern.
  9. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

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    I checked their Facebook, and that same image was posted with the title "Leaky War".

    Probably just an anagram of Lake Wary.
  10. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
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    #10 Wicked8146, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
    Simogo won a Unite award for Best Gameplay. Big ups. On their FB page they said there might be a hint about Game 4 in the video. They were unable to attend the awards show but left a message to be read that said:

    "If you try to bend the rules of the universe and open the rift that separates our world and what lies beyond it, there will be consequences."

    Not sure what that means exactly but they have referenced "consequences" before. It might just be a theme to their game. I am trying to think of how this could be some sort of clue. I keep thinking about "bending the rules", which is also something they have referenced before. It's as if they are enticing us to break something. But what, and how? now says 6 and they have revised the image with the "A" animating. Image 40f9.gif:


  11. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

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    #11 Eoghann, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
    On their blog, this post has for title "¿9". And the name of the image is "onemorethanthewhatchers.jpg"

    On their Facebook page, that same image has a caption that reads "blinking???"

    Simogo has noticed the detective work on Facebook! And they're challenging us! xD:
    "The people at the toucharcade forums are digging deep, but they haven't found quite everything yet!"

    I swear that when I look at the Lake Wary .gif on my browser, it blinks in a pattern. xD

    I have this lingering feeling that when they mention blinking, they talk about Morse Code. They are no strangers to it mind you; on this blog post:

    If you click on the image it lets you listen to an audio file, in Morse Code. I haven't the slightest idea how to decipher Morse Code, but I decided to try it out anyways. And a short Youtube tutorial later I get: SHESFG...xD (those are just the first few letter of the code I THINK I deciphered correctly). The rest is just a jumble to me.

    I'm sure I'm totally off on that but if anyone knows how to decipher Morse Code to see if that is related at all to Game4...
  12. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
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    #12 Wicked8146, Aug 31, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012 now says "5".

    New image:



    Upon roll-over this image says "temptress". Also, she now has something in her hand that was not in the original image.
  13. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
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    #13 Wicked8146, Aug 31, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012
    Great work! I'll try to dig deeper into this today. Just as I was about to give up hope... the audio file is also named esrom.mp3 so that is morse code backwards. The "one more than the watchers" means 6. There are 5 watchers. I also missed the FB clue that says "Man, a rag", which means "anagram", which is a reference to Lake Wary aka Year Walk.

    I checked the animated gif again. The frames with the goat are at 3,20,33,45 and 49. I am not seeing an obvious pattern there.


    I downloaded a morse code audio to text translator...

    It says "She sings and I shall follow".

    I am guessing this has to do with the "temptress". Probably in reference to a game mechanic.

    Still trying to figure out the hint from the speech:

    -"If you try to bend the rules of the universe and open the rift that separates our world and what lies beyond it, there will be consequences."
  14. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
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    #14 Wicked8146, Aug 31, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012

    Random images from the game's inspiration.
  15. D4rgolf

    D4rgolf Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2011
    If you line up the letters of 'LAKE WARY' in the order in which they became animated in those 'xoutof9.gif's, they spell 'YEAR' up to now.
    If I were to make a quick guess from here on, I'd say, the left-over letters only make up for a 'WALK'.
    Which would leave us with 'YEAR-WALK'.
    Anyone getting something out of this?
  16. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
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    #16 Wicked8146, Aug 31, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012
    I literally just came to that conclusion right now as well. I think you are correct. It also makes sense with the phrase "She sings and I shall follow" and the reference to the title not actually being Lake Wary.

    And.... Guess who owns the URL:
  17. D4rgolf

    D4rgolf Well-Known Member

    Sep 3, 2011
    Nice finding!
    But after all those different spellings, I don't think that 'Year-Walk' is the final name yet.

    Are there some other anagrams to be made out of 'LAKE WARY'?

    Maybe it's about an alarm-clock come to life and so it's called 'Wake Lary!' ?! ;)
  18. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
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    I compiled all the images under the blinking letters.

  19. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

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    Sweet finds guys! I'm getting all giddy now! xD

    Thanks for the Morse translation! I was doing it old school with a friggin chart! Glad to know I wasn't THAT off! Haha

    Really wish I weren't at work so I could help dig deeper. Day is going by so slow! Haha
  20. Eoghann

    Eoghann Well-Known Member

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    #20 Eoghann, Sep 1, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
    It's the number 5:



    I was browsing through their posts and stumbled upon this one:

    Check out the faded letters right under the title.

    It's a .gif and it reads: "Certain nights are not meant for us, Tonight is meant for them".

    Going further back into the posts, specifically this one:

    In the picture is a semi obscured book. A user by the name of Christoffer was kind enough to tell what it's about via a link to the book's description.


    Just for the hell of it, I decided to go farther back in their posts.


    Read the tasks:


    Can't believe this went unnoticed. This was way back in April. xD

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