Try simon's quest or an upcoming game this thurs. which is cognition..both are for iPad only..if you life this kind of games maybe the walking dead:the game by telltale..
The Superbrothers recommendation is perfect - it's one of a kind and the music and presentation are superb. Truly strange too with a sense of layers of reality being toyed with in front of your eyes I'd recommend Bastion too if you haven't tried that. It's an action RPG with an excellent soundtrack and interactive narration that follows your actions. That might sound odd but it's an excellent script and the voice acting is among the best I've heard in a game so it works brilliantly It's another title where the story doubles back and throws you the deeper you get, so you can never take anything for granted.
I stayed away from this thread because I didn't want to be tempted to look for clues but this game is by far the hardest puzzle game I have ever played. Makes the game " Amnesia" look like child play. I guess I will start looking for help because this game is tough, lol
Even the clues you see or find early on in the game make a difference! Keep trying - it won't be as exciting if you don't. Also, definitely download the companion app. I played the entire game before downloading the companion, and then found the second ending. It's amazing.
Finally finished this today. Great experience. I'd love to see some more in this flavor. Kudos, Simogo.
so... is there any final conclusion about the Simogo's statement "Only few in the end..."?? I would like to know if i can give up...
Am I the only one here who thinks that this would probably have been better as a film as it was originally intended rather than a videogame? It was a good game, an "experience" even, but in some ways I felt the "videogame" trappings took away from the storytelling rather than added to it. I found myself more engaged with the supplemental companion App and the uncovered story within moreso than the actual games story in some respects. I am not taking anything away from this game (I merely thought it good not great, sadly, with the great stuff not being in the actual game if that makes sense). I'd love to see what a film version of this story would have been like...
I found the atmosphere far edgier because of the interaction. A jump scare is all very well, but it takes on a whole new dimension when you know it's coming but must choose to walk towards it
Honestly, I didn't jump once, but admittedly I eat up anything horror to the point that there is very little that shocks, disturbs or scares me. As such the jump out scares don't work for me, so walking towards them knowingly had little effect, at least in my experience for me. That stuff just doesn't scare me, period. The psychological scare, the type that works inside your head and works on fear, paranoia and removes any sense of safety are the type I like (ergo Lovecraftian, Koontz, even King when he's not being by the numbers, etc). As such watching someone's descent into madness rather than casually experiencing it in the first person seems more effective in my opinion. Walking through a mad world when i feel no fear of it doesnt have the same effect for me as watching a character i can attach to grow and descend into darkness, feeling the more effective vehicle (again, in my opinion). Hence why for me at least, I found the companion app story bits horror more pervasive than the games. Again, I am not knocking the game, it was genuinely good. I am just offering the discussion of whether or not the story could have been more effective as it was originally intended; a film. Then again the storytelling is probably so far altered from the original format to fit the vehicle art form (videogame) that it would be hard to form an firm debate for either argument... If anything this game has made me interested in the phenomen of Year Walking. Having lived in Iceland it makes me wonder if there was a cultural equivalent there...
I'm stuck trying to open the box, the companion reveals four of the symbols but is there supposed to be five? Can someone help me out?
Hey guys, I just started playing the game. The jump scares, oh god. I wasn't expecting one at all, I thought this would be a more atmospheric game if anything. The one with the Spoiler tree woman , which I believe is the first, left me gasping for breath and made me fumble my phone about, honestly. But now I can hardly pick up the game again, only because of the jump scare element. If someone were to be so kind, could you list all the times they occur? I'm sorry, I'm a big pansy, but they aren't my cup of tea and I really want to experience this game.
There's also a tiny moment when Spoiler you first meet the Grim after the walk around the church IIRC, but that's more sound than anything . The one you've seen is by far the most dramatic
I felt the same way after that, there is only one I remember, the windmill. Oh then the church grim. But that's not bad.
Game Impressions Congratulations to Simogo, great game! I purchased it and it got me hooked. It took me a while until I started to figure out the riddles but I think now I'm on my way to find out what is this all about.