Has anybody found any of the secrets that the devs mentioned? I can't figure out anything that Isn't essential to complete the game.
It's the word "Vedtorp", mirrored, 2 times. And yes, there are more symbols you need a mirror for, like the words on the Grim's stone. Here: No, it's just one time Vedtorp, and 3 words / symbol combinations I can't make out. Maybe he ran out of paper do he used an old one where he already wrote on the back. Or this is a hint for Daniel.
Just finished the game. Definitely gave me some "holy crap" moments. Truly a unique game that separates itself from every other one I've ever played. Simogo did a brilliant job on this and am glad that they are doing what they're doing. Beautiful atmosphere and music. An experience that everyone should have. I know I haven't found everything in the game yet so I'll be going through it again. The fact that Simogo was able to create something like this is mind blowing. Game of the year material for sure.
Lol, just realized that Year Walk brought a dozen or more lurker into the light. Lots of registrations! Well done, Simogo.
I'll take credit for that Anyways, looking at that pic, I'm sure I can see the word "Vedtorp" twice, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what the other two are. Edit: Okay, tried inverting the color to see if the words could be seen easier.. now I'm not too sure if the other V word is "Vedtorp" after all. hmmm..
Good to see you here! Well, are the devs hinting towards Vedtorp.se, and if - why? If only retr0spective would do his magic again... He found that Blade of Welleran...
I mean, I'm a former lurker, but this is too fishy. Simon? Gordon? ...Bueller? Since I'm not a morse code genius, can someone line up, then take all the dots and accents and semicolons on http://almsten.se/ and treat them like dots, dashes, and pauses (respectively) and translate? Try left right top to bottom first, then around in a circle? And maybe it's in Swedish? *strawgrasp*
Totally will, but soz-loving your work Missy. Back to game-did another lurker state there was a clue in the music? When you finish the game first time there's a song played...anyone got lyrics?
You're right. Fishy. Strange guy, pops up and leaves a cryptic message if we heard all and that there's a mystery in every song. Together with Almsten.se and Vedtorp, the very last song in game, there might be far more. And why the link to the fan art page. Are these pixelated pictures more hints? Can we put they together for a bigger picture?
The more I look at all these dots, commas, semicolons, and plus signs in http://almsten.se/ the more I believe it's morse code. But I just don't get what the frak all the symbols translate to. Current theory: . = dot Accent= dash , = pause ; = dot then pause ' = ? + = ?
You know, I was thinking that too! That image has to be hiding something.. otherwise what's the point, and morse codes a good of a guess as any. The question is, does anyone here know morse code? I certainly don't! Thanks! I had thought it said mill, but then when looking closer I couldn't see an "i"
I reckon too-if you look at the image, it's not symmetrical on each side, i.e. with commas and what not. Tips of ear have dots on left, plus sign on right ear. I mean, why bother making it different if there wasn't anything to look for. Alas, I can't read/decipher morse code.