Bought Type Rider (Bulkypix) thks to this list and Eli who talked about how incredible it was in a podcast. If you're interested in writing, typography, history or design, don't hesitate. It's gorgeous
A+ list great job the list make it so convenient... did things like this years ago and i know it can be time consuming along with some busted fingers it can get crazy if your doing a pc/mac 30 days of sales. got most deals from past yearly + xmas sales...but i did add a few more thanks again!
South west for me, almost the most southerly point, and not too far from the most westerly (lands end). Yeah I think I have everything sorted, just the wrapping and delivering to do!
I actually mustered the courage to go through all my itunes receipts and see how much I have spent in the 1,5 years since I got my first idevice. I was shocked to learn the amount: 280 euros!!! Bought plenty, plenty, plenty of games. Many of which I haven't been able to play yet. I made some bad deals sometimes and could have gotten some expensive apps much cheaper... Anyway, I will be more careful with my spendings from now on... Apps may appear cheap when you buy them, but everything piles up...
There are too many to list. What genres interest you? What's your budget? Anything else that might help narrow down the list?
depends depends what type of games you like/play? I'm into the board/card and sports games; Playdek, Sheepland etc:
Board games: Agricola vs. Eclipse I am trying to cut down my list of purchases and these two are left for my board game decisions. I am trying to decide between these two. I already have Caylus, will Agricola feel similar or not even comparable? Eclipse has the sci-fi/space setting which I really like. Both sound like fantastic games, so probably can't go wrong with either. I am mainly a single player vs. AI gamer, but will sometimes play multiplayer with a co-worker. But the single player experience is probably more important for me. Thanks for any input.
Both are on my wish list, so I can't help you, I'm interested too by opinions on these two games I guess you already have Small World which is half off and had a fantastic update?
In some ways the holiday sales are like a year retrospective with some gems over the past year going on sale for the first time. ...So it only makes sense to point out the ongoing Touch Arcade forums' Game of the Year nominations thread and encourage people here to nominate and then vote for their favorite iOS release this past year: ...Plus there's free cake.