Ok, so any recommendations on games? Picked up Deus Ex, Ghost Trick. Thinking about Anomaly 2, Costume Quest. Maybe Dropchord, Frozen Synapse, Indigo Lake.
feedback needed! hi all, Ok so pondering which 1112 episode to buy for .99...i havent played any of the three yet but hear the 1112 series is excellent. which one to get? also, to those who have played playdek ios board games; i have "fluux" and really enjoy playing it but there are some sales on their games now and i would like to buy another playdek game. am thinking of either "Foodfight ios" or "Penny Arcade"- which one is worth buying? and more fun to play on same device with others? Thanks in advance to all who reply Happy holidays!
SOPOR has just gone free. I don't know how to link, sorry https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/sopor/id767222141?mt=8
Got anomaly 2, iesabel, bastion,dead space, and deus ex on sale and earlier this month i was torn on which to buy at full price. Tis the season to be jolly!
Just saw that Sega dropped 'Samurai Bloodshow' down from $4 to $1. Looks like an interesting defense game. Can anyone say if it's worth getting?
I'm sure I checked recently and it was the usual £2.99 but Space Miner HD is now £1.49 (unless I didn't check and it has been for a while and nevermind.. )
Thank you. It's this game right? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sonic-the-hedgehog-2/id347411942?mt=8
I found them kind of boring after a while. Try one first. Don't buy them all in one go. A lot of people seem to think the first one, "Gamebook Adventures 1: An Assassin in Orlandes", is arguably the best.