Thanks for the tip, it works. It's the only game that I have problems with the moga rebel on both iPhone 6 Plus and iPad mini 2 with the latest iOS.
Like the game. Wish there was character customisation. The character design really reminds me of a Samus clone.
Dunno how Pixelbite keep doing it and stay so consistently good but this sure is one hell of a lot of fun. Offers a nice counter balance with Space Marshalls too as it's nice to have an arcade type one in this and a tactical stealthy one in Space Marshalls. Between the two of them, they hit the satisfaction and variety spots real nicely.
All the weapons are so cool, I have to buy all of them even though I don't really need anything after the Ripper. The Bolt Driller is super fun
I enjoyed Space Marshals but this one is kind of dull. You move from one uninspired stage to another, blasting away at beasties. Repeat, repeat, repeat. No variety almost at all. A lot of duel stick shooters have done this much better in the past, heck, it just makes me crave for the long promised remake of Solomon's Keep - now that was a dual stick shooter with depth!
Anyone remember Revolt on iOS? The dual stick shooter? This game reminds me so much of it. Great game pixelbite.
Completely agree, this is a very shallow game and if I was looking for a arcade style shooter I would go with halo:Spartan 1/2 there's a lot of replay value and difficulty challenges with the different skulls along with a average story.
Are people really, seriously, ridiculously trying to say this game isn't good. Damn......go play your console games and stop trying to trash what is one of the better polished games on IOS. Seriously, people come to TA for good info and instead they get bitching about "I can't play as a guy.....waaaaaaah!!!!"...."this game reminds me of something that I payed $60 for but its not! Waaaaaaaaaah!!!.........sick of it....
Oh my gosh, same thoughts here and i was thinking so hard of this name. Thanks! Btw, just downloaded to see if it works on version 8.2. Yep, flawless on my 5s. I finished Xenowerk a few moments ago, and to be honest, i rushed and took the short-cut (where possible) in the last 15 levels, only to see, if there would be an end least. It was well worth my four bucks (iap support), don't get me wrong, but my initial thoughts were hit, exactly. What, it comes out already, can't be the best sign...I rather would have waited until the end of summer to have something with more flesh around this bare bone. I consider this to be a great side project, nothing more. But on the other hand, i'm quite sure that they are working on something new and great again, imho, as usual.
How are highscores and leaderboards handled? Do you think it makes one go back into a level to get a better score and beat your buddies on the leaderboard?
Fyi the games I mentioned are not console but ios games,not $60 but £3 sorry I didn't realise well polished means worth while or amazing game sure the graphics are good sure it's a well polished game but it's nothing new and other recently released top down shooters are better at the end of the day!
So far I have to say the game is fun not what i expected when reading about it before release. With the whole flashlight thing, I expected more ... Horror type elements, ya know.. Running around and it being really dark and the flashlight is your light, now there may be levels like that later I dunno I've only done maybe 4 or 5 levels and so far even though It IS fun it is also a bit on the dull side, it's pretty linear and the levels are repetitive, but again that's how i perceive it SO FAR. Also anyone I haven't offended.. How the heck do I get all 3 things at the end? No matter what I do I can't get the kill streak bonus. I even replayed the first level 4 times trying and didn't and I played it perfectly, ran through, without getting hit, thanks for the help in advance.
That wasn't directed at you. My point is, there are plenty of F2P games that trash iOS gaming, and then there are premium experiences like this that make iOS gaming what it is. Sure, there are other games of the same caliber out there. But Pixelbite doesn't ever miss the mark. They're one of the few Devs that you can trust on instinct. Some of what had been said in this thread would downright turn people away from this game, and honestly, is that fair? It's only my opinion (for whatever it's worth), but with the myriad of other crappy games out there, this is not one to trash on. There's a good group of peeps on the forums here who play the living hell out of mobile games, and if you saw this from my perspective, maybe you could understand why this game should praised. That's all
For anyone on the fence about this game it is more than worth trying especially for the price, despite anything negative I or others have said. These are clearly isolated personal opinions. And when comparing the price different of some other premium top down shooters this is more than worth it.
Very valid point that defiantly outway anything negative I or others have said. And I suppose when comparing the price diffrence to other premiums this is really a barging.
One thing I noticed that Pixelbit games all heat up my device a lot. SM included. For comparison, Monster Hunter and Chaos Rings too heat up my device only slightly. This one and SM particularly make my device into a strong hand warmer. I wish there could be something done about this since the games are great but I can't even play too long to keep the heat off.
I really want to play chaos rings and many other RPGs like dragon quest 8 but there's that many games I want to play I don't know if I can justify all that time on one rpg which would you recommend over chaos 3/lunar silver or dragon quest 8? Also does chaos 3 ever get quite as gritty as the original 2?
Never heard of it until now, it looks pretty slick... Is it any good? It's only $.99, should I grab it? Dual sticks are probably my favorite type of game.
I would personally pick CR3 over all other mobile RPGs right now. It's fun and packed with content. It is also perfectly made for mobile. Dq8 is good but I think you can form your own impressions since it's a port and will play more old school style than CR. But since you seem to have played CR before I think this won't bother you. I haven't finished it but the game does get dark. Just maybe not as dark as murdering everyone. I'm assuming you like those themes? The story actually feels more solid and expanded than the past games since they usually stuck with with one theme in the past. Characters get more development as well. I think it's way better than the old ones that's for sure. It's improved on nearly everything and added more. I recommend it! -- Sorry for the off topic!