I am genuinely excited about being able to play this multiplayer. I imagine you are going to kick the hell outta me though!
I do not know like the game count your victories, because sometimes I win and do not add to my stats.
You are, I was on the edge about this for a while (never played other PC/console versions) but when it went on sale I just decided to grab it and if I knew just how good it was I would of paid full price ages ago. Such a great game with tons of content.
Gg aventador, though I'll admit I have no idea how you managed to field a sectoid, sectoid commander and 2 x soldiers into a 10000 point limit!!
It's all under point limit of 10 000 , just need to be a bit creative This is my second favorite squad ; I modified it a bit from original build ( which has one more sectoid ), but definitely didn't expect to face commando in angel armor and a Thinman. Think I'll call it a day though , last 2 ranked matches were with players in top 20 alongside with your crazy and effective squad battle and I just got auto - matched with guy who is second on the leaderboard ( 40 wins , I'm going to loose hard lol )
Is there some magic to getting the iCloud saves to work? On my phone I have done a save to iCloud,but it's not appearing on the iPad (Resume game is greyed out). Both are linked to the same iCloud account and GameCenter account.
Have had two crashes on my iPad 4. Both when trying to do a second mission in one play through. The first crashed during the briefing, the second during the mission itself after someone died. I'm running ios 7, I do a reset everytime before I play, and I had no other apps running.
I sent support ticket to 2K Games.Game didn't synchronize around 12 wins from ranked matches with Game Center and now it looks like every second match isn't properly synchronized. There is so many bugs in multiplayer that it's not even funny anymore; from soldiers floating in mid air ( had one guy stuck between walls on bar map ) , to people breaking windows when standing near them before shooting even if enemy is in completely opposite direction of windows ( and thus revealing position as opponent can hear that ). There are even some worse stuff : not being able to move soldier who is near elevation ( doesn't show movement range at all, just circle and you can't do anything ), hand interaction on door from your unit showing even on opponents turn and some others that could be even considered exploits.
The assault on the main ship, the avenger mission. There is just like everything dark so nothing to see, is it suppose to be so?
Go to "load game" and there, at the bottom, you can see an option saying "sync iCloud" (or something like that). The problem is you have to go through "load game" to do the sync.
Thanks VirtualBoyFreak. I, apparently mistakenly, assumed the Resume game button would enable if it detected an iCloud save. Having to start a new single player game to get to the Load Game item was more than I was expecting to do.
Is this game janky at all on PC? I'm finding it a bit janky on my iPad 4. A few crashes thus far, occasionally stuttery graphics display with enemy movement, sometimes stuttery camera movement, generally sometimes you feel like the device is struggling to display everything. I understand (and enjoy) that this is a wonderfully deep game. But I don't understand why the combat scenarios are so resource intensive.
Just played a game with Ronin who packed a super soldier and a sectoid. I played my 4th turn i think then he played his turn and when my turn came up, it just said i lost but my soldier was still standing. The soldier in the screen is my soldier with a mind merge of my sectoid. I also had another hiding away And gg to markerc1 who killed 5/6 of my squad with 1 shot. Veeerrry niice!
Be warned that many high ranking players started using super soldier + scout squad.If you're playing against people who are high on leaderboard and their squad score is 9950, up or in most cases rounded up to 10 000 they are most likely using this squad, or 2 super-commandos. Super soldier squad in most cases uses psi sniper/ soldier in archangel armor ( with plasma sniper / light plasma rifle ) and sectoid ( scouting )/ Thinman ( scouting and poisoning ).Once you taken out their scout they are badly crippled if they use sniper.Supersoldier usually has mind shield equipped so psi attacks are useless.Best counter to this is soldiers with LPR and just flank and owerwhelm him until he has nowhere to run and eventually he will have to reload and waste a turn on nothing. I played 2 matches agains hybrid3473 (1st ranked ) yesterday, one lost because he stormed me from direction I didn't expect ( trainyard map, I spread my troops thin , it was rather embarrassing ) and other one won against his Supersoldier in archangel armor + sectoid combination.MsKalinum also used Supersoldier + Thinman in our match. On the other note, I really thought you would win in our last match Edmilan, my full alien squad wasn't supposed to be that effective Oh, and friendly advice to all : never use cyberdisc in ranked matches and NEVER EVER use sectoid mind merge ability.
Still awesome lookin though. Any more players of this amazin game? Drop me an invite on Game center: Edsmilan let's get it on! Always willin to play