Universal XCOM®: Enemy Unknown - (by 2K Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Wediafom24

    Wediafom24 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    Asmara, Eritrea
    Greatly appreciated man! Thanks for clearing that up for me. I am at work too. Can not wait to play this when I get off:)
    BTW, I use a headphone while playing and music/sound is very immersive:)
  2. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Yeah, the sound and music in this game is high production stuff, like the rest of the game.

    I can't even let go of the game when I'm at work... I snuck in half an hour of playtime during lunch, and played half an hour on the bus ride home from work too...

    I love this game. :)
  3. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Or a drainpipe.
  4. Wediafom24

    Wediafom24 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    Asmara, Eritrea
    I see that you're playing it on iPad 2. I can not wait for iPad 5 to drop;) Its a little bit challenging on iPhone 5 though.
  5. Sildani

    Sildani Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2013
    High school social studies teacher
    BTW, somebody asked if iCloud saves translated between devices: seems not. I have an iCloud gome on my iPhone 5, and tried to access it on my iPad Mini: no joy, it's not there. It's accessible on my iPhone, and it says the save was successful. Thoughts?
  6. jnt325

    jnt325 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2010
    I've been switching back and forth with the same iCoiud save between my iPhone 5 and my iPad 3. It's been working seamlessly for me.
  7. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Works for me on th iPad and iPhone 5. The issue might be is to open the save file from another device you have to go to start new game and choose cloud save. My only issue is I forgot that I iCloud save and I couldn't access my save on the airplane! Ugh.... Haha!
  8. hourglass

    hourglass Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    I've been playing it a lot lately, and I'm kind of annoyed. The mind control guys totally screwed me; I lost three colonels in my first encounter, a colonel and a captain the next.

    The uber Mutons are the most annoying things ever for four corporals.
  9. mac00l

    mac00l Member

    Jan 30, 2013
    The game is hardly as enjoyable on the iphone5 as in an iPad. Unfortunately I've got an iPad mini and it keeps crashing. At first it was once every 6-7 missions. Now it happens as much as 4 times per mission.

    As someone in here mentioned. It might be a memory leak.

    I find playing it on an iPhone not quite what expected. Don't get me wrong, it is not that the iPhone version is wrong. But the iPad version is so well done that completely overshadows the iPhone.
  10. TheRulingGun

    TheRulingGun Guest

    I'm now doing the final mission of xcom, I think. It's the mission in the large base of the aliens and ... It sucks :)
    I don't think I will ever complete that mission. I already lost my best 6 men during that mission :(
    Does someone have some tips?
  11. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Have you researched most, if not all tech, allowing you to build the very best plasma weapons and Titan and Achangel Armor?

    One thing to make the game a lot easier, is to slow down the scripted storyline in the game, allowing you to build up tech and base building.

    You do that by not researching the "prioritized" research instantly, as it'll trigger a scripted sequence, pushing the storyline along and give you less time to build up your offenses and defenses.

    That way, you trigger the storyline when you feel you're ready to move on.

    I've got over 6000$ now, and don't have anything to use it on now and I've filled out the grid completely in the base, mostly with workshops after I got every country covered with satellites.

    Here's a screenshot of my coverage from the other day, after I reached full coverage:

    I'm currently on what I believe is the last mission, or at least close to it, and I've got every bit of tech available, and so far it's pretty easy.
  12. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    Now u mention... We are almost finishing.. Lol.. Can't turn back the clock.. When I do classic I am going slow and steady
  13. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    The Second Wave content (that isn't in the iOS version yet) introduces a bunch of new options, including a "Marathon" feature that makes the game take longer to finish.

  14. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    These weren't mentioned or promised.. Only multiplayer.. Don't think they gonna add them..
  15. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    It would be very cool though.
    Maybe as a paid IAP in the future..

    I know I'd be all over it!
  16. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    The things in that list only really require simple number/balance changes though, not any actual new content in terms of models or such, so seeing them in an update (or even in the first update along with the multiplayer) isn't out of the question.
  17. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    I don't think you or those people have *any* clue what a "memory leak" is.

    When you write a program, one of your options is to create objects dynamically, you declare their existence procedurally, and that sets aside X amount of memory for the dynamically created object. When you no longer have need of that object, you "manually" de-allocate its memory.

    If you do not de-allocate the object and its memory yet have no further use for it, it hangs around in memory space even though it will never be used by the program again. Get enough of these orphaned objects bouncing around in memory space and there's not enough free memory the next time the program needs to create a new object and, boom, hello desktop/springboard.

    The key take away is that a "memory leak" ONLY affects a single instance of the program running. You start using a program that fails to de-allocate dynamic objects correctly and after a certain amount of time it's burned all the free memory and it crashes. The very next time you start it up, ta-da, fresh start, the OS killed the process and therefore everything associated with it, including the leaked objects in memory. There is no persistent after effect.
  18. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    Man the game getting tougher after shooting down the overseer!!! All the enemies are heavy plated.. Heavily armed.. And there's a skywalker that's terrorising my squad.. And not forgetting a dark Jedi with some invinciblity cloak!!!! Wtf.... Light plasma with carapace against I dunno what red mutons.. Skywalker. Even the flying drones are better equipped!!!
  19. speedyph

    speedyph 🌊🌊🌊🏃🏃😂😂😂⚡️⚡️⚡️

    Feb 3, 2013
    good job man #
  20. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    Can they change a game from a fully paid game to an IAP later? I don't think apple allow that.. Never seen a game that does that. Recently square Enix re-release drake rider from fremium with IAP to a paid game with IAP. Similar game two different version.

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