Universal XCOM®: Enemy Unknown - (by 2K Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. angryassdrummer

    angryassdrummer Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2013
    Brisbane, Qld, Australia
    thank you!
    those guides will come in handy
  2. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    I've had 2-3 crashes lately too. I think it has to do with memory management. Hopefully they will optimize it in an update.
  3. marker1c

    marker1c Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
    This game rekindled my faith in IOS gaming. Its a dream come true
  4. hourglass

    hourglass Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    I certainly hope so. The crashes are driving me insane.
  5. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Reboot your iPad/iPhone and see if it helps. Most likely it will free some memory and system resources, allowing the game to do its thing.
    This game needs every byte of memory it can get.
  6. hourglass

    hourglass Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2013
    Rebooted three times. Didn't help.
  7. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Sorry to hear about that.

    You didn't mention which iDevice you have, but if it's one of the older generation devices, the developers are working on a fix for the frequent crashes on iPad 2, iPad Mini and iPhone 4.

    Those all have much less memory than newer generation iDevices, (half the memory), which really makes a big difference.

    Also, if you're jailbroken it makes it even worse, as a lot of tweaks, visual enhancements etc. uses quite a lot of memory.

    Unless you have a current generation iDevice, jailbreaking is not recommended if you want to play this game.
  8. Aventador

    Aventador Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    I lost all my veterans on 1 crazy mission ; didn't want to restart because I figured out I'll be able to raise up a better team, but after couple of missions I realized rookies can't handle tougher enemies even with top equipment, and even when I'm able to raise a veteran they usually die because rookies panick in worst moments.
  9. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    I completed WHQ in a week.. That's like 2 hours per day for 7 days.. It's fun in the beginning later it gets repetitive and it's relatively easy.. A mauruder with 20 plus hits beat that baby!! I love rodeo games but if I can choose I will buy hunters 2.. That's not much strategy in WHQ at least at world map there's nothing you can do..
    The similarity is at the point u choose your adventurers before a battle and it ends there.. Lol.. I completed WHQ and never looked back.. There's nothing to look for in a 2nd gameplay.. While this.. After I finish this normal mode I am going for classic!
  10. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    You playing on iron man mode? Why can't you reload? I can bear having my squad members die on my command... Lol
  11. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State

    First, it's really $17 vs $20 if you consider what isn't in the $5 version of WHQ, but I take your point. Although I do have all the add-ons, they certainly do not more than triple the options or gameplay even though they more than triple the price.

    Second, WHQ, while a good, not outstanding, iOS adaptation of a classic boardgame, is nonetheless a heap of mewling quim next to XCOM in terms of squad based TBS games. It's like high school freshman varsity football player going up against an NFL all-pro, both may be be good in their respective brackets, but best for the high school student they're not forced to go head to head.

    I've been a fan of this genre since the late 90s, with the highwater mark being Jagged Alliance 2. In the decade and a half since JA2, no TBS game I've played even came close to that quality mark (and that includes the original XCOM). This iteration of XCOM doesn't quite hit all the notes JA2 did in its day, but it is by far the closest any other game has come.
  12. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    I wonder who is holding the license to JA.. It doesn't look difficult to port it over.. iPad definitely has the bells and whistles to run it. Beside JA I want fallout too!!!! Come on publishers give us these games!!!
  13. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    #913 Appletini, Jun 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2013
    There are two major unscripted gameplay moments that still stick with me from when I played JA2 way back when.

    1) Having a party of mercenaries all positioned in optimum spots in the long hallway of the hospital and watching the door to the outside, patiently waiting turn after turn for the lone assassin stalking around outside to finally make their move and walk into our trap, hoping that they wouldn't get smart, head around the building and ambush us from one of the other entrances.

    2) On the tank-lined border heading into the final zone, I had Hitman (still remember it being him) sprinting through a house as the tank sitting outside tracked him and blew apart the wall on each turn, leaving fully half of the building basically vaporised as my guy barely escaped out the other side.

    JA2 for iOS, people!
  14. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    #914 C.Hannum, Jun 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2013
    That's what I did. Definitely bring your big boy pants :D

    I'm not losing as many soldiers compared to my normal playthrough, and while much of that has to do with me having a solid grasp of the game's mechanics vs. my first game on Normal, it also has to do with how quickly missions turn to utter poo, forcing a restart from the beginning of the mission. Makes for binary results, either I succeed with 0-1 KIAs, or I fail miserably. I've tried moving on after 2 soldiers go down, but have yet to pull it off. If this were iron man, I'd be hosed.

    It's a much bigger challenge and I like it more than Normal. On Normal, my impression was that if you played smartly, you couldn't really lose anything other than some soldiers. On Classic, trying to balance everything perfectly and I still finally lost a country from the project (damn cowardly Brazilians ;))

    I don't know if they own it outright, or if they're merely licensing, but it looks bitComposer holds all the rights to the JA franchise for now. Unfortunately, their "remakes" show them fairly clueless as to what made JA2 such a landmark for the genre. I played through the original JA2 at least four times, played through different mods multiple times, played through the expansion and mods of the expansion multiple times, but got distracted and never finished the remake - it's a good strategy game, but graphical improvements or not, it's lacking so much.

    What I'd like to see is someone just take JA2, re-do the sprites, polish up the UI for touch devices, and launch it with portrait art, soundclips, and cutscenes unchanged. I'd pay very good money for an actual remake.

    EDIT: Hold on, a little Googling revealed that all hope is not dead, maybe ;)

  15. jameslavis

    jameslavis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    First time player on normal. Didn't realize the importance of satellites until month two. Got six up and hoping to drop my four red panics down. Doing great in combat and hoping to fix panic
  16. TheRulingGun

    TheRulingGun Guest

    sometimes, when I'm going to start a fight and I'm watching how the aircraft is landing, then the game crashes and I'm back at the home screen of my ipad. Why I restart the game, the game is saved right up to the moment before the fight. Does anyone else also have this problem? It doesn't happen a lot, but sometimes it can be very annoying :)
  17. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    I have an iPad3, non-JB with 1.2GB of free memory and latest iOS. It's not an iPad4, but it isn't an iPad2 either. I've already rebooted and hard-booted the device several times, but it didn't help. Anyway, I hope they optimize memory management in future updates, because it seems a memory leak problem.
  18. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    It's really strange so inconsistent the performance of this game is on similar devices.

    I have an iPad 3, not jailbroken, and I've had 6 crashes so far, and I've been playing non stop since release day...
    One thing I always do before playing though, is force shutdown every app in the background.

    I agree it must be a memory leak problem, it's just strange how the performance is across similar devices differ.
  19. Jake7905

    Jake7905 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    Well, as someone who has both, and spent 19 on WHQ, I can say that XCOM is the far superior game. And I love WHQ but when it comes to depth and replay value, XCOM leaves WHQ in the dust.

    I'm actually having trouble thinking of ANY game on IOS that is on XCOM's level. It's worth the 20.
  20. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    The only thing for me to try is to change language settings to English, because I've got them in Spanish :D I remember an N-Gage game giving problems when the language setting of the phone wasn't set to English. Maybe the problem here's related to it too. We'll see...

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