Universal XCOM®: Enemy Unknown - (by 2K Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    It sounds like the maps are the only things that will affect gameplay. The rest are cosmetic losses only...
  2. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    I feel for a TBS on iOS this is the best game on AppStore.. Can't find anything closer!
  3. Bool Zero

    Bool Zero Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    I'd agree, but complainers will complain...
  4. currymutton

    currymutton Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
    Mocking: A complaint is still a complaint that complains things that may not worth complaining...
  5. Savant

    Savant Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2010
    You'll also notice that unit-cams/kill-cams are not enabled (if you watch PC/console gameplay vids you'll notice the camera zooming in for a close-up view of aliens or of the aliens dying from your soldiers' actions). Adds to the immersion. But as everyone has pretty much confirmed to death by now - this is still THE GAME to beat on iOS right now.
  6. Bool Zero

    Bool Zero Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2010
    Yeah I do miss the kill cam, but in the end its cosmetic and I still personally get that same rush when I clear a mission successfully with no injuries or casualties and my plan lighting off without a hitch!
  7. Wediafom24

    Wediafom24 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    Asmara, Eritrea
    Nicely written! Thanks!
  8. Edmilan

    Edmilan Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    I was browsing through the acheivements and some have a line saying "Single player only". So is there some multiplayer built in somewhere or maybe a skirmish mode against bots?
  9. killercow

    killercow Well-Known Member

    Not yet. Multiplayer is coming in update one.
  10. jameslavis

    jameslavis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    Here's my experience. Never played xcom on any system so clean experience. iPhone 5. Non jailbroke. Choked at twenty bucks originally but read up on it. Great game. No lag, no stuttering. Worth it

    As a new player I picked Europe for a base. So I hear about tree progress to go for Titan armour and plasma guns. This true?
  11. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    Where do u see the tree progress? Is there something like civilisation where u can view future research? I mean in-game
  12. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    #812 Appletini, Jun 26, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2013
    Quite logically, you can't see ahead in your research, because almost all of your developments come directly from studying alien technology, or from interrogating the actual aliens, then slicing them up and examining their bodies – you can't create the high-tech stuff you need without first seeing and understanding the materials you're basing your work on. As such, you want to stun one of each kind of alien the first time you meet them, and this will speed up the pace of your research.
  13. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Absolutely, but with a caveat ;). Firaxis has been making games for decades now that reward, for lack of a better word, dedication.

    The person you're replying to should try the game on Easy to see if they do any better or enjoy it more, but in the end, this isn't a game about beating it, per se, it's a game about learning the system, and then using that system "more better" to keep increasing the difficulty until you've either say, "uncle", or you can beat Impossible because even with all the alien bonuses and player penalties, you're just such a master of the mechanics you can still beat it.

    What concerns me is this quote:
    So, by all means, see if a simple difficulty drop is enough padding for them to pick up on why they're failing, but it's possible this just isn't the game for them.

    I'd never played this iteration of XCOM (don't think I ever played anything past the original, and that was about 15 years ago), so I went in on Normal and have had a blast, and only had, I think, four situations I had to go back to the beginning of a battle because losses had grown too dear. But, that's me, been playing TBS since it was done with maps and dice. Yet, I'm sure if I'd started on Classic that I'd have been restarting from an unrecoverable loss since it's been a pretty tight balancing act with my personal learning curve of the game's mechanics and alien capabilities, but that's part of the way Firaxis designs their games, even on Normal, you're not promised a win, just a fair chance.

    Normal is akin to Prince in Civ, no bonuses for the AI, no penalties for you, just you versus the game - the choices you make within that framework determine the outcome. Dropping to an easier difficulty increases your bonuses, but doesn't magically prevent you from having to learn a solid plan of action, just makes the game more forgiving toward you figuring that out. The question for RickyBrooke is, do they *want* to figure the system out, or does that sound too much like work.
  14. EvilDanforth

    EvilDanforth Member

    Jun 3, 2013
    Brilliant game. I applaud 2K for making a high quality game - although $20 is very hard to swallow. But i paid it and it's worth it for sure - but still, with countless other offerings i can't imagine its selling much. Curious how long until first price drop.
  15. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Why imagine? There are sales charts you know ;)

    Game peaked around 20th best selling paid app, is down to about number 100, still at 62 for grossing.

    To put this in perspective, of the 9 games that made the cut for TA's Game of the Week Vote, 5 never charted at all, Cover Orange charted but is way behind XCOM, and only Rovio's Icebreaker and Disney's Where's My Mickey are on the charts and doing better (but since they cost 1/20th as much, Icebreaker is way behind XCOM on grossing, and Mickey only 7 places ahead, and it's been at or near the top of the paid charts the whole week).

    If whoever makes the decisions at 2K has an IQ above room temp, maybe do a 1 day sale on July 4th of $14.99, but otherwise they ought to be holding firm to the $20, never letting the iOS version drop below 50% of the Steam price for the "full" game except for very special, very short occasions. They have a bonafide hit with this game at $20, they'd have to be morons to chase the holdouts - just wait for them to give up on the "inevitable" price drop and come to their senses and buy this 50% off already game.

    The sooner the publishers start educating gamers that games can be high quality, but you have to pay for that quality, the sooner we won't have a platform with exactly one game of this caliber.
  16. jameslavis

    jameslavis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    How do you stun?
  17. Appletini

    Appletini Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2011
    You need to have somebody equip an arc thrower, then get close to a weakened enemy and use it on them.
  18. Jake7905

    Jake7905 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    I bought XCOM last Thursday, a little before midnight Friday, which means I started playing on Friday. After playing around 15 hours or so on my 4s, here's my take on some of the complaints and critiques towards this port:

    -Solid performance on a 4s, no crashes at all for me, and while there are framerate issues, the game is 100% playable. And, yes, I restarted my device after installation.

    -The camera controls work much better using the camera buttons, the gesture controls leave a lot to be desired.

    -Easy is hard enough for a beginner. The easy setting doesn't let you win, it just gives you a better chance to learn the game. You can still lose, and will lose, if you're playing the game on easy.

    -It's a great value, even at 20 bucks. With it's depth and replay value there are few games on IOS that can compare to XCOM.
  19. Bytebrain

    Bytebrain Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2010
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    To elaborate on that, you need to first research something. Can't remember what, but it's part of the storyline, and it has a dedicated video to when it's available.

    I've found that waiting to research some of the "prioritized research options", can halt the games progress and thereby difficulty to a degree, giving me time to set up satellites and get better armor and weapons.

    It's helping me tremendously. I've restarted the game 4 times now, as I'm rethinking my strategies on general base building, research and priorities on different weapons and armor, for both men and interceptors.

    This game is much deeper than I initially thought, and I'm loving every minute of it.
  20. Wediafom24

    Wediafom24 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    Asmara, Eritrea
    Well said!:)

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