I am merely stating a reference to a game analysts comment...Further more the classic Xcom was rather a cult hit and not a blockbuster..Though I don't mean it's not very good.I have no idea what so ever as I never played them. We have different opinions on the matter I stick with mine and you have your own..Im moving on..
Anyone know how to manage the panic level ? I keep having countries removed from my board in the situational room.
I'm glad you play on the toilet. That's awesome. This Xcom remake is a shitty game. Most "reviews" are talking out their asses. Any true strategy gamer was waiting for the PC release with high hopes, only to have them shattered. The only thing that make the PC version in any way playable beyond one disheartening playthrough is the community mods, which of course you won't have access to on the iOS. As for the price, it is totally unjustified. This is a port of existing assets. It shouldn't cost more than the original, more feature-complete product now does. That's just nuts.
Your pithy one-line, throwaway post has totally changed my opinion on this topic, and I completely withdraw my previous statements. Said no one, ever.
I got past the tutorial crash just simply by starting a new game and skipping it. I'm trying to enjoy the game but it randomly crashes every 30 min or so.. I'm playing on a non jailbroken 64 gig iPod touch 5th gen with 10 free gigs, all other apps closed, push notifications disabled, system rebooted, Internet turned off, everything else turned off. The game itself seems very enjoyable but saying the game runs fine on a device that it clearly isn't for me is almost a dealbreaker at 20$. Unfortunately there's no way I can get back my money, but if I knew it would be like this I wouldn't have bought it. I hope they can patch these crashes in an update so I can actually play the game without interruption.
Weird, runs perfectly fine for me (IPod 5, 32gb), no crashes, one freeze from hitting the sleep button a couple times, and I'm at least a few hours in...
Attention Toucharcade reviewers and all other game reviewers: You might as well shut down your websites and go home. No, no, no - phandaal has spoken. Obviously he knows The Truth(tm) so pointing out the myriad of stellar reviews is futile. All your base belong to him. Or we could ignore his rantings and move on...
Guys, chill. Talk more about the game and less about the off-topic stuff please. We've already had time-outs for derailing the thread.
Touch Arcade forum's Game Of the Week Poll - June 20 2013 X-com: Enemy Unknown was nominated as a candidate for Touch Arcade forum's Game of the Week. Final voting is occurring over the next 3 days here: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=193796
You can not fill the requests but know that if you do skip them too much as it affects your council rating, but other than that I don't believe there is a negative impact to not feeling requests.
I believe the best way to manage the panic level is by having good satellite coverage and intercepters stationed at the countries that seem most distressed. You'll need to have the proper facilities for supporting these extra satellites, of course.... Never ignore a alien attack of any kind. Also by successfully completing missions in the country under attack will usually reduce panic by at least one point
Out of total curiosity , what are the odds that this will go on sale? part of me thinks it never will (at least not for a year) another part of me thinks its just gonna be another typical ios game that goes on sale in a month as soon as sales decline (which they will soon for a 20 buck game)
I think it'll follow the life cycle of any console game. Initially it'll stick to this price for 6mo and then it'll get marked down or have regular sales. It'll tap that market out and then eventually hit some really low price. By ios sales standards most ports go on sale. Even FFT went on sale a the end of last year.
I hope so. It's doing quite well right now and I don't see that stopping anytime soon. I truly am in love with this game, I care about what my people and I'm invested in the world. I've never been happier in a purchase.
No, it's supposed to come out later. I'm curious, how many of you that bought this Xcom port already have "Aliens Versus Humans" on your ios device?