The Wii is where the damage was done. It took Nintendo out of the serious crowd and planted it into a casual one, they prioritised families over gamers, and now they're wearing that badge. As a result, the gaming community (both consumers and developers) viewed it's successor, the Wii U as bearing the same burden. The majority of its target demographic aren't after hardcore games, so developers aren't going to make any for it. As for "stealing Nintendo's ideas", yeah, they did. And they still suck. In this very topic we've got people complaining about how dreadful Kinect is. PS Move is just as bad. Motion controls are not good, period. Luckily, Sony and MS have dedicated controllers and powerful hardware to fall back on. It's not about strength, it's about what will sell. Support is being dropped for Nintendo consoles because the games aren't going to be as profitable as they are on MS and Sony consoles. No, I mean first party. Games made by in-house developers at Nintendo. I see you removed the comment though, no hard feelings I have over 50 games on the 360 and around 120 games on the PS3, practically all of which are rated 7 or over at Metacritic, ergo, they're quality titles. Gaming as a cultural past-time isn't exactly slowing down, so it's a pretty safe bet we'll see similar numbers for the next generation of consoles, barring the Wii U because it's not strong enough. I'm not just saying things because I don't like Nintendo. I look at evidence and analyse. The Wii was massively successful, but its library is pitiful.
Well, it looks like I'm not getting any sleep tonight Doesn't matter. They were still successful and the Wii U will be successful once they start pumping out their exclusives. Nintendo specifically said that their target audience this time were hardcore gamers. Nintendo will make big money from Zelda, Metroid, and Super Smash Bros. I never played kinect or move. I mentioned that because I felt that you were acting like the 360 & PS3 never did it. Ya no crap lol . Zelda, Metroid, and Super Smash Bros. Definitly sell. However, your the one that made the strength comment in your previous post : That's what I thought but I deleted it because I wasn't sure. I also don't think clearly when I'm tired...obviously lol I said I deleted my comment too. Disagree with you last sentence: "barring the Wii U because it's not strong enough". I was simply asking you to list some games, which hopefully don't include mindless shooters. I wasn't trying to be an a-hole. I was curious. But I don't judge video games based on what some website or magazine says. If I like it, I like it. If I don't, I don't. I don't need a website or magazine to tell me what is good and what is bad. Same here but just because someone analyzes something doesn't mean it will happen that way I agree. I actually ended up selling my Wii after playing Twilight Princess because all the games were either for kids or were just crap. Also, I still like Nintendo the best and respect Nintendo. Microsoft are money hungry _ _ _ _ _ _.
Wow, this thread is picking up steam again, that is good. . I hope this xbox one is successful though I doubt if I will ever get a console again. I am rarely home, so it isn't worth it. Most of my gaming is done on my bed, so ipad gaming is just fine. And when I want a console, I get one of my ipad joystcks out and plug in my hdmi cable to my tv. Though I am a bit jealous about the new xbox and ps stuff. Midian, you got it lucky to have so much money and time. Wish I was like you, well, maybe not...
So who thinks Halo 5 will be the big draw to the console? Oh oh oh! Or even... GRABBED BY THE GHOULIES 2!!!
Xbox one looks like it needs to be mind blowing at E3 to look cool. Also, indies can't self publish anymore. It was on GI.