Looks like you're trying to prove it as a fact to me. If you're trying to base a game's superiority off of level design alone, you truly don't have any understanding about a game's mechanics. Sure, level design is a big part of it. Uncharted 2 was linear, and Metroid isn't. But that's not the only thing that makes a game "great". It's like saying Minigore is better than Spider: Secret of Bryce Manor because it has more free roam of a map and lacks the "Point A to Point B" mechanic that Spider has. You, obviously, disagree with this, seeing as you have labeled Spider as "fantastic". You said that the "gameplay mechanics and level design of U2 seem like if they were developed by amateur developers compared to the game design of the Metroid Prime series, including Corruption." And then challenged LBG to prove you wrong. Why does he need to prove you wrong if you failed to make any support for your arguments in the first place? An argument without backing statements is null. Not only does a game need great level design, but it needs a story that keeps the audience pulled in. As has been written in previous posts, Nintendo is well-known for their tireless reincarnations of basic plotline. Metroid follows this trend, no? Uncharted 2 was fresh, new, and exciting. It felt like a really long, interactive movie. It kept me playing through the campaign for five hours on a single day. It takes a really immersive story for a game to be able to keep me tied in for that long. Metroid? An hour at most. Then I'm tired of shooting the same basic enemies all day. Another way games are rated in superiority is graphics. Now Uncharted 2 automatically wins this one. And if you need me to explain why, you seriously need some help with your cranium. You've used the excuse that you would rather not argue on other points with us because we are too "childish" to understand. Rather than making yourself look less credible by saying this, why don't you let us be the judge on whether we'll be able to understand your point of view? After all, the only way Metroid Prime can be better than Uncharted 2 in fact is if we can all test the theory and come up with the same result. Otherwise, your points are just another opinion to be thrown away in the dust. Just to receive a second opinion, IGN rated both games at a 9.5 score. Thus, based on their point of view, neither is superior. Food for thought, perhaps?
Totally, dude, totally. Seriously, though, is there any way I can fix this, or do I have to send it in to Microsoft?
This thread equals awesome. By the way- PS3 has basically won. haha! LBP/rachet and clank/infamous/uncharted/fat princess/wipeout= Win. Name all of the wii and 360 exclusives and we'll compare. Quality and quantity on the PS3.
Sure, you can fix it, if you want to modify the 360. You can find detailed instructions here. Even though this case of scratching involves moving the 360, I'm sure it'll still solve the problem, as it involves replacing the disc drive with one that will hold the disc securely in place. Modifying the 360 will nullify your warranty. But sending it into Microsoft will get you nothing different, as they will only put in a drive similar to the one you have now.
If Microsoft messages back with some crappy excuse, I'll give this a shot. I noticed, though, that there's a ridiculous amount of dust accumulated in it. I'm gonna go head out tomorrow, get an aerosol of compressed air and some foam, but I'm wondering if that might have anything to do with it.
I have no idea. I've never actually had this problem. But go ahead and try it out; a little less dust never hurt anybody.
Ha! I knew it. Too bad Omega-F logged off right after I posted it... I was ready to get back some remark about how God does not will him to post a response or something.
Sure, I use games to think, whether it's tactics, puzzles, or emotionally but that doesn't mean that Metroid is the best because it the level design makes me think. Age of Empires 2 made me think on hard, and I could play with friends, enjoy the experience. 4 vs. 4 Halo 3 online with 4 friends in a room is one of the most fun things you can do. Having a game make you think also isn't the most important thing. Maths makes me think, doesn't mean I always want to do it. Games like oblivion, dragon age and Mass Effect get more play time and remain more in my mind than non-RPG single player games. I think more, emotionally and sometimes in puzzles in RPGs than any other game type, so really, whilst Metroid may make you think, which to you is one of the most important aspect, it doesn't make me think...