[Writer/Spriter/Designer] Available for Projects

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by MrManInATie, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. MrManInATie

    MrManInATie New Member

    Jan 11, 2015
    About Me
    I am an amateur pixel artist/writer/designer seeking some sort of project to work on. I don't care much for pay, but I'd prefer to work with a team that wants to go places, but isn't in over their heads with their project.

    Sprite Examples:
    In no particular order (aside from size and if the background is white), here are random examples handpicked by me to showcase the best of my abilities, so that you don't see the work I've made that is of more questionable or mediocre quality.

    Areas I have yet to dabble in are animation (I have made frames for simple animations, I just haven't made them into a .gif) and animals and monsters (aside from the creature displayed in the ninth image, unimaginably titled Mountain Beast Scene.













    Writing/Design Examples:
    I can also write and design, though my examples for either of those skills aren't as recent as my pixel art. But they're examples, so I'll show them off, anyway.

    The first link is for short stories I wrote over a year ago, and the second is for a game I made by myself.



    The best way to contact me is via email: [email protected]

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