WOTA - Wolves of the Atlantic

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by VIC20, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    Textures are used just for testing. It's a lightmapping-test, geometry still needs some upgrades now that the game will be iPhone 3GS and higher only.
  2. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    Just saw that I forgot to post the Video of the OpenGL ES 2.0 Pixelshader Test before... :eek:

  3. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Does it use UDK? And what's the object of the game? I personally don't like games that just explore...
  4. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    It's using the unity engine.
    The Object? The Object is to sink enemy ships and survive :D


    It's a full scale war simulation, the game covers the entire planet 1:1 (resolution of the coastline data is 200x200 meters) - drive as long as you have oil, meet a milkcow uboat to refresh supplies or RTB and go back into battle, BdU will give you necessary intelligence information. Game starts in 1939 and ends in 1945... if you survive.
  5. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Oh thank god! Sounds(and looks) awesome!
  6. Spank-a-phone

    Spank-a-phone Active Member

    Sep 1, 2011
    The waves look pretty awesome. I hope to see some more of gameplay video!
  7. Teknikal

    Teknikal Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Belfast N Ireland
    Reminds me a lot of silent hunter 3 on the PC which is actually my favourite of the series I still have it installed I might give it a play again.
    I'll definitely buy this whenever it makes it to release I'm guessing that will be a while still.
    But it looks really good might be one of the most impressive demos I've seen so far on IOS I can't even imagine the amount of work already put into it.
  8. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    Thank you, I'm in the 3rd year of WOTA development but I also did other work in this time like the games in my signature.

    There is also a FB page for WOTA: http://www.facebook.com/WOTA.Wolves.of.the.Atlantic
  9. Wediafom24

    Wediafom24 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    Asmara, Eritrea
    Any info on release date and price?? It's looking awesome BTW!!
  10. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    thx, can't tell any date yet
  11. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    Another older movie...
    This one shows the modified buoyancy & collision system tested on (unfinished and untextured) italian MAS Boats running at full speed.
    The water shader you see in the video is outdated, it was the very first OGLES2.0 test.

  12. ipodrocks123

    ipodrocks123 Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2009
    2011 release?
  13. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    I gave up to guess when it will be finished. Until you hear something like "within the next month" or until it's in BETA-Status everything can be just a rough guess. But I am honored with all the request for a release date :)
  14. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

  15. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Glad that you are making progress with this. What you have so far is looking very impressive.
  16. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    Thank you, it's a lot of work and the limitations of the iOS devices makes it more complicated, can't wait to start working on the Mac version - all the power of desktop hardware, this will be fun because the game will have so much headroom. I wish I could outsource some things but my other Apps are not that successful, maybe I'll give crowd funding a try.
  17. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Maybe the iPhone 5 and the iPad 2 will give you more room to maneuver :D.
  18. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    Yes, iPad 2 graphics performance is like the iPad should have been from day one. But developing for the iPad 1 & 3GS as low-end devices is OK. If I'll run into memory problems I will just start reducing the texture quality on them. Good thing is compared to the problems of the first generation of iPhone & iPod touch I've learned completely different stuff about optimizing due to the alpha & fill rate problems of iPad 1 :)

    I just hope there will be never a retina iPad. :p This would ruin the performance of the iPad 3 again...
  19. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    nothing new in this thread for 3 months now - this is the reason:

    I'm working since october on a WWII pacific theater flight sim for iOS & Mac to pay the bills while developing WOTA. So this is another delay but hopefully will help to speed up the development later.
    The flight sim is called "1942 Wildcats over the pacific" and will be released early 2012. I've created a realistically flight model for it (based on blade element theory like xplane does) this FM and the AI will be used for the aircrafts in WOTA too. Also japanese navy and other stuff of this flight sim will find its way into WOTA.

    you can see a test of the flight model in action in this video:

    sometimes in the video you will see a visualization of the FM like on these pictures:


    the FM is based on the geometry of the aircraft, the wings are split in parts, it uses NACA airfoil data and the speed & angle of attack of each wing part to calculate the resulting aerodynamic forces like lift, profile drag, induced drag (drag due to lift or also called vortices drag) and downwash. The engine and propwash is not simulated in the video, that is the reason why the aircraft can do some things that won't work in in real life.


    I'm doing this flight sim to be able to continue working on WOTA, so any sale will help the development of WOTA. I'll post a thread with a trailer in another thread in some weeks.
  20. VIC20

    VIC20 Well-Known Member

    The flight sim has become a really serious project - so it is much more work than I've planned before.

    This forces me to release something different for iOS within this year: A special preview version of WOTA with limited ships and only one submarine to play with: the Type XXVII Seehund midget submarine.

    More info later this year.

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