Honestly, as much as I love Star Hogs id be happy to try Worms online... Right now i dont even have Worms installed because it would be dead weight on my System hell i uninstalled most of the apps i no longer use and trimmed my apps to 2.5 pages just to get a small system performance boost
Hmmm. Is that really true that you can free up ram by deleting apps? Maybe you should just get Memory Status, and free your ram up like that. I honestly didn't like Star Hogs when I tried the lite for the first time. Or even the second time. But your advertising and faithful following makes me want to try it again.
I've only tried the SH demo vs the full game of worms, but worms wins it every time for me. It may have a couple of camera bugs which they are meant to be fixing. But the game underneath is so much better than StarHogs. They are even meant to be adding online as updates aswell!
I never said RAM... Read this: http://cloud.iugome.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=35 Logically a pc with tons of programs runs slower a little, so does mac: installatin issues, crashes, system stability etc logically speaking wihout being a pc/mac genius, tell me im wrong? And why? Id love to know
Back to the Topic... StarHogs in on SALE! Havn't tried the Lite one yet, its installd but thanx to the hiddn pages & the alphabetical install procedure... I keep 4gettyn about testing it