This is what I dont like either in the game. Who tested this and thought it was a good idea? I dont even get the point of it? Can the dev explain? You need to keep track of and upgrade 100s of units because of this crap It makes the game REALLY tedious
World Zomination is filling quickly. If your from TA let me know I'll make room for you guys. Currently about to hit level 5 as a guild. Spent 10$ for pacts to support devs and got two epic pit bosses. Two! Gr, such a crappy unit IMO. Tanky but only good for buildings. Blah The guild is unofficial TA, we do have a nice amount of members so far from the site. (Zombie side) Thanks for joining you six! Edit: filled up way quick. Just kicked some inactives and made room for more TA members!
Actually, the stamina fills up quite quickly so it's not too bad. I guess if you keep 2 sets of zombies upgraded you could swap and change to keep going while the others are recharging.
I'm really enjoying the game so far. It's certainly free to play so we'll see how that works out in the long run. I like how you can at both sides though.
toucharcade2 is already 50 people ( full ), i will promote two highest people so that we can easily manage guild ( starting guild taid, kicking inactive members etc ) cheers
With no energy you could simply use the same group of perfect soldiers over and over, selling the new ones for scrap and upgrading your best to the point that there's no balance. By having stamina it forces you to create multiple teams of fighters. I like it. And it is better than having the more common stamina of "5 fights then wait 3 hours to recharge your stamina," hmm?
Regarding Stamina: I think you guys hit the nail on the head. We wanted to have a system in place to help balance out Guild Raids and Faction Battles since they are timed events, but we wanted to limit the overall impact of such as system as much as possible. This implementation means skill, strategy and the units you use still matters but you can play basically non-stop.
need help!! im stuck on training screen.everytime i click on "train" the loading icon just rotates and doesnt process anything else..even tried tp restart both app and connection but still same :/
can anyone please help me out how to get pass the loggin screen? as i kepp getting crash issue..couldnt grt pass the login in main screen...thanks.
Yeah sure its better in this game.. now instead of getting 1 good soldier and using that you must keep buying their packs until you get multiple of the same one to just keep playing. And then upgrade ALL of them or you cant play more because the difficulty ramps up and your lvl 1 soldier cant do anything.. So you must buy upgrade resources!... but wait you got stamina on your soldiers but no brain/food resources? though luck! YOU CANT PLAY... but you can buy more! They didnt put this in like this because its better. They put it in the make even more money from you. But people are easily fooled and thats why 95% of the games on the app store are f2p to begin with
Can someone please let me know why I've been kicked from the World Zomination guild? I'm definately not inactive although I did stop playing to go to sleep!!