Universal World Zombination - (by Proletariat Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by mikeworld, May 4, 2014.

  1. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    Any way to save progress if we download from soft launch store then re download from US store when it becomes available?
  2. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    So what's the IAP situation like here?
  3. sjsivak

    sjsivak Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2013
    Game Dev
    Cambridge, MA
    You need to mutate the horde you place down into special units. You can mutate all the special units as soon as you create enough horde. There is no time limit or other restriction. The number of units available is listed on the HUD.
  4. sjsivak

    sjsivak Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2013
    Game Dev
    Cambridge, MA
    You can create an account in the settings page and that will work cross platform and all multiple devices.
  5. aikavari

    aikavari Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2011
    Nice to see this finally out of testing. I beta tested this quote a bit and Im sure people will love playing it.
  6. McGuffin

    McGuffin Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2010
    Great stuff! Looking forward to it :D
  7. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Yeah, but it appears you can't place down all of your units on your HUD. It won't let you, unless you place more horde on the pallet.

    Like, if I place 20 horde per say, it'll let me place two brutes, but it won't let me place anymore units from my HUD. Unless I place more horde. Once I place my horde I than can put down some more special units from my HUD.

    So basically, in order to place all your units down you have to place all your horde down?

    If I only place 20-30 horde and save 60, it will only let me place a few units down as I said. (Brutes / spitter / runner ect).

    So I end up placing some horde down, than units, than horde, than units.

    Understand what I'm getting at, lol? I might have to make a video to show what exactly I mean.
  8. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    It's extremely fair. It's like 1$ for a rare creature and 2-3 uncommon creatures. It's a fair paymodel IMO. Plus it coast like 4 coins to heal your units, or you can wait 30 seconds after a fight.
  9. gansta

    gansta Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
    Im really digging this game. Great approach in choosing what side you want to be, the only issue I'm having is the guild(clan) not much activity right now. And yes IAP is we'll thought out. Great job so far dev.
  10. OrionnoirO

    OrionnoirO Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2010
    #30 OrionnoirO, May 7, 2014
    Last edited: May 7, 2014
    Glad to see this going live! I have been testing it, and not only has it been relatively bug free, its been great fun seeing it progress and the ideas and such that have went into it, and still might be included later :D

    Great game, great IAP model, it is all very well thought out and tested... I cant praise this game high enough, and hope everyone will give it a shot and see how cool it can be, whether you like attacking the humans or defending against the horde! :)

    My props to the devs, they really outdid themselves imho!

    EDIT - On the latest build, on iPad 2, iOS 7.0.6, nothing else running and fresh restart, I experience periodic crashes after beating a level... I have also had a few times it showed a new unit on the left to click and see what it is, where after I click it just dims the screen like it normally would to slide in the info panel, but it just stays grey and no info appears, and remains stuck there until a restart. Just want the devs to be aware of this issue...
  11. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    Yes you can create an account with email / password :)
  12. OrionnoirO

    OrionnoirO Well-Known Member

    Jul 12, 2010
    Yep, as Zeillusion said, just create an account, and it will carry over between launches, devices, etc. So when PC launch hits, you can be sure I will be on it like flies on... cake ;p
    Also, as far as I know, the last wipe has already occurred so you don't have to worry about that either.. They are just in the final steps of launching it now! I am still using the alpha client myself, I believe they are same build as what users are downloading from NZ but, haven't confirmed that yet. Enjoy the awesomeness of the game! :D
  13. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    Do you know of a way to change factions?
    I would like to try out the Zombies, but i chose defenders at the start of the game? Do i have to uninstall?

    Who is up for a TouchArcade guild?
    I think we should decide on one name first, otherwise we might end up with some guilds.
  14. gansta

    gansta Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2011
    Im in for a toucharcade guild
  15. sjsivak

    sjsivak Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2013
    Game Dev
    Cambridge, MA
    Thanks for posting this, the next release will have a whole bunch of bug fixes in it and several crash fixes. It should be out late this week or early next week.
  16. sjsivak

    sjsivak Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2013
    Game Dev
    Cambridge, MA
    Thanks for all the help everyone, we are working hard on building out more features for the game and making it better. I will be doing at Twitch stream today at 5 pm EST answering questions about the game, talking about our procedural level design system and showing off some of the new features we are considering. We will probably give away a few promo codes during the stream too.

    Tomorrow we will put it up on our YouTube page for anyone that missed it, so feel free to drop questions in here and I will answer them tonight.
  17. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    Question: Is the only way to change factions a re-install?
    An option in game would be welcome
  18. sjsivak

    sjsivak Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2013
    Game Dev
    Cambridge, MA
    In the next release we are re-enabling the logout button so you can make a second account and switch between them more easily.

    We have considered allowing players to have a second "character" on their account to try both sides and maybe having it be something that the player can unlock at level 10.

    We are also toying with the idea of having some events where you can (must?) play the other faction to complete it. What do you think of something like that?
  19. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    Honestly, i´m not fond of the idea to force players to change factions at certain points, but that´s just me.
    A toggle to switch between accounts or even better factions would be ideal.
    If you have to unlock it, level ten sounds doable in a few days. It is probably good to make players get to know the ins- and outs of their factions. But it still might rub some people the wrong way.

    And please, put at least some kind of info on the faction selection screen for the time being that right now you can´t switch factions (and that you can unlock the ability to change them on level "X", if you decide to implement that).
  20. Zeillusion

    Zeillusion Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2013
    I'm not to fond of being forced to play another faction as well. I picked zombies for a reason, I would like to play with them and earn rewards for doing so.

    Although the second character idea is pretty neat, so you don't have to make two accounts.

    Really enjoying myself with this gem :)

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