World Without End artist available for work

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by steveruy, Oct 20, 2011.

  1. steveruy

    steveruy Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2011
    Comic book guy/ game creator/director
    #1 steveruy, Oct 20, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2011
    Hey guys, this is Steve Uy, creator/artist/director of the upcoming ios SRPG World Without End and comic book artist of such books as Uncanny X Men, Avengers Initiative, JSA Classified and Legion of Superheroes animated.

    I had posted a preview of my upcoming ios game, World Without End, in these forums before, a strategy RPG game which I created, wrote, directed, and illustrated. Art production of the game is complete now, and I am simply waiting for my programmer to get it all coded and ready for market. We are hoping for a 1st quarter release date 2012.

    That means I'm stuck at home directing the game, so I thought I'd look for other work to keep me occupied otherwise I would go crazy just playtesting and waiting for the builds to come. So if you're in need of some art or anything, hit me up with a message and I'll get back to you with a quote.

    Wired ran a good teaser article on World Without End here.

    Or you can simply google my name, Steve Uy, for some of my marvel/ dc comic book works, or go to my website here for my personal projects.

    Twitter: SteveUyArt (pardon the sparseness, just started).


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