Hello Toucharcades! I have just now 6 PromoCodes ( 3 World Reaction and 3 GudeBalls! ) to offer you as a gift here in the toucharcade. In a other post some people earned 5 promos to the World Reaction game and their reviews about the game was amazing ( read them on app store ). They really enjoyed very much the game what make us from GudeBalls company very glad . I decided to give these promos in a contest . The contest: - The firsts 3 toucharcades who say the exact number of the word "Reaction" present in the APPLICATION DESCRIPTION on World Reaction App Store page will earn a promo each one to the World Reaction game - and the first 3 toucharcades who say the exact number of the word "GudeBalls" present in the APPLICATION DESCRIPTION on GudeBalls App Store page will earn a promo each one to the GudeBalls game * the valid words can be "Reaction" or "reaction" to the World Reaction game and "GudeBalls" or "gudeballs" to GudeBalls game. * will be sent just one promo to each person. World Reaction app store link: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=328072912&mt=8 GudeBalls app store link: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=305678404&mt=8 and I will be glad in discuss about the games here or have some reviews from you guys Go go go toucharcades!!! Go and have fun! Reinaldo ( Rebelde ) World Reaction and GudeBalls developer WR http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/M...328072912&mt=8 GudeBalls http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=305678404&mt=8
gudeballs- 7 times in the description by itself, 10 if you count the links at the bottom of the description, and 14 if you count the title, description, and screenshot! sorry, I'm an overachiever!
Hello legowiz! ohhh,,,your post is the 7th well, I will try get some promo with my partners and if possible send you one . thanks for your attention Reinaldo ( Rebelde ) World Reaction and GudeBalls developer WR http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/M...328072912&mt=8 GudeBalls http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/M...305678404&mt=8