WordMind Promo Codes

Discussion in 'Promo Codes and Contests' started by seti32, Aug 24, 2009.

  1. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    #21 drelbs, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
    Fun game!

    Got a chance to play this game and it's a lot of fun!


    Reminds me a lot of Wordmaster on the DS.

    Basically it's a word guessing game that gives you clues more like mastermind - as you can see from the screenshot above, it gave me one letter to start with, marked correct letters in the correct spaces as black, and correct letters in the wrong space as blue.

    I really like that the game included a casual mode, where you can just sit around and guess words - sometimes I want to challenge my brain, but not push it too hard. ;)

    I didn't notice any sound in the game, can anyone else verify that? Not that this game really needs sound - I think listening to your own music would probably be the way to go here. (Minimal sounds would be better than the cheezy "Tada!" that some games have on completion!)

    Good job on the game, and thank you for giving us a chance to try it out. :)

    It's one of the better word games I have on my iPod Touch.

    EDIT: I think the Wordmind logo would look better if it wasn't so opaque, IMHO. Not a big deal. ;)
  2. seti32

    seti32 Member

    Thanks drelbs, for the feedback. You are correct, there are no sounds (except the normal keyboard click). It is on my list of possible enhancements, though.
  3. PureSkill

    PureSkill Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    We will see...
    Flour Bluff
    I would like to try the game too, so a code would be great!
  4. jasonsmith

    jasonsmith Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2009
    If there are still any available... :) Thank You
  5. madam_octa

    madam_octa Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    Hi I'd like to try this game, I love word guessing games
  6. luckindian

    luckindian Member

    Aug 24, 2009

    I would also like to try a new word game
  7. tekssx

    tekssx Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Not Texas... lol
    I'm a fan of word games and I would like to try out your game. :)
  8. seti32

    seti32 Member

    Anyone else? I have a handful of codes left.
  9. Juppy

    Juppy Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2009
    Just submitted a review :) Thanks
  10. Raider33

    Raider33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2009
    I would like to try if you still have some left :)
  11. madam_octa

    madam_octa Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    Review sent to itunes. Gave it a 5 star rating. Great and not so easy game
  12. rhenzhen

    rhenzhen Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2009
    NY, USA
    This game rocks. It's reallly challenging. It really stayed me awake in the subway car for 1 hr trying to get the correct answer. I don't usually stayed awake like this..LOL! Thanks! I think it's a good idea to put a "give up" option to reveal the correct word... Or maybe, like a clock mode, where you have at least a minute to find the correct word/answer before it reveal the answer? It also need musics in the background. :D. Im going to leave my feedback now at app store. Thanks!
  13. seti32

    seti32 Member

    I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Thanks for the feedback. And actually, the update I have waiting in review adds a Give Up button once you have used all of your hints. This was a pretty common request.

    I doubt that I'll be adding music because I think it's the type of game where a player would want to listen to their own. However, as I've mentioned earlier some subtle sound effects will probably come eventually.
  14. seti32

    seti32 Member

    Thank you all for your great feedback and interest.

    I have 4 promo codes left, any takers?

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