my impressions: this is a wolfenstein 3d classic. period. nothing more, nothing less. the same levels, the same character. the same graphics. people who ask if it's any good, or say that graphics look bad... IT'S WOLFENSTEIN 3D CLASSIC for God's sake! i'm so happy that i bought it. the gameplay is just as great as when it arrived in 1992 (i was 5, but played it first when i was like 7 or 8), sounds are still irritating (i hate when i open doors...) so everything in this game is in the right order. but i'm stll waiting for duke nukem 3d port... this is my favorite FPS EVER!!!
Ill wait for the wolfenstein rpg or doom rpg which they are making for the iphone. Will be much more fun
i love the wikipedia move-kind-of description: In Wolfenstein 3D, the protagonist is an American soldier (Polish descent) named William "B.J." Blazkowicz attempting to escape from the titular Nazi stronghold; there are many armed guards, as well as attack dogs. The building has a number of hidden rooms containing various treasures, food supplies, and medical kits, as well as three different guns and ammunition... polish descent.
I'm sure this will be possible, but there's no indication 3DRealms is doing anything on the iPhone. I really hope they do though. iDuke would be awesome. Goobers.
John Carmack, the geek legend himself? Well, you could try it. This would certainly be a huge honor for this forum.