Universal Wolfenstein 3D Classic Platinum (by id Software)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by jchampl, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. reinhart_menken

    reinhart_menken Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2009
    The custom maps feature really rocks, even more so that we have some VERY dedicated fanbase hosting maps out of their own pocket.

    Thanks thewiirocks and drdandick! I had just tried out the Trilogy maps earlier.

    Out of curiosity, should there be those maps that provide new weapons and such (or are those more mods?), would those work?

    And the process of using custom maps, does it only require us to transfer maps to the correct directory, or it actually requires conversion?
  2. drdanick

    drdanick Active Member

    Sep 30, 2009
    New Zealand
    #522 drdanick, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
    There are mods for the PC version that feature new weapons, but that requires a chunk of the original source code to be rewritten and recompiled. Which you unfortunately cannot do in this case. (although, John Carmack did release the source code for the iPhone version of Wolfenstein 3D, so it could be done if the programmer was happy to play the mod and not release it)

    If you want to make maps yourself or play existing mods for the PC version (I assume that is what you want?) you will need to extract them from the gamemaps.wl6 and maphead.wl6 files of the mod you want to take levels from. This is a simple process that is detailed here: http://www.idsoftware.com/wolfenstein-3d-classic-platinum/mapinstructions/
  3. reinhart_menken

    reinhart_menken Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2009
    Thanks for the reply. I suspected as much about the mods.

    I was actually asking about just maps (like Trilogy Revisited). Isn't that what we're doing? Uploading new maps? I never really played Wolfenstein (Doom 2 was out by then - when I had heard of it, and I had considered the graphics of Wolfenstein to be too old on PC), so I don't know what the technical term is. I know for Doom, for example, it would be .wad, obviously for Wolfenstein it's different. I just don't know the equivalent. You guys said it's .map?
  4. drdanick

    drdanick Active Member

    Sep 30, 2009
    New Zealand
    #524 drdanick, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
    There isn't really any .wad equivalent for Wolfenstein (.wad files contained all the game data apart from the engine. Wolfenstein stored data into a number of .wl6 files). The DOS version of the game had the maps split over two separate files (gamemaps.wl6 & maphead.wl6). When John C. ported the game to the iPhone, he favored the method that the Wolf 3-D Redux project used to store gamedata (everything in the various .wl6 files were separated and stored in one .pak file, much more similar to a .wad file). (interesting to note that although everything is in a .pak file, the .pak file was extracted completely when bundled with the game. I guess access speeds must not have been too good...)

    Long story short, to pull the .map files from the .wl6 files, you have to run them through a tool for the Wolf 3-D Redux Project which places all the game assets into a .pak, and then go into the created .pak archive and pull out the .map files. It takes a bit, and I may actually have a look at making my own editor that saves straight into .map.
  5. thewiirocks

    thewiirocks Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Expert Software Engineer
    #525 thewiirocks, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
    Have you ever programmed a webapp in Java? If so, Google's app engine is very similar. It relies on the Java Servlet specification, which makes it a lot like programming for Tomcat or Glassfish. The big difference is that Google does not offer a relational database. They use a custom object database instead.

    I'm glad you find our services valuable! I'll keep expanding features as long as it makes sense to do so. :)

    I think drdanick covered most of this. I'll just give a (hopefully) more layman's run-down of how to convert the maps:

    1. Extract a registered copy of Wolf3D somewhere on your hard drive. We only care about the WL6 files, so don't worry about whether you can run it or not.
    2. Grab a copy of Wolf3D Redux and extract that to a folder.
    3. Copy all the WL6 files from your Wolf3D folder into <wolf3dredux install folder>/base
    4. Take the WL6 files from a mod and copy the files into the <wolf3dredux install folder>/base folder. If you're asked to overwrite files, say "Yes"
    5. Double-click on "wolfextractor" in the Wolf3D Redux folder.
    6. Wait a few minutes while the tool creates a "PAK" file.
    7. When the tool is done, there should be something called "wolf.pak" or "spear.pak" in the <wolf3dredux install folder>/base folder.
    8. Copy the ".pak" file to another directory and rename it to "maps.zip". (Important! Leave the original ".pak" file there! It will be useful later on!)
    9. Double click on maps.zip to open it. The modified maps are in order in the "maps" folder. They're probably called something like "w00.map", "w01.map", etc. You can copy these to another folder to upload them to Wolf3DMaps.

    Here's some more instructions if you need them.

    Taking a Screenshot
    1. Run "wolf3dredux" in the Wolf3D install folder.
    2. Once the game launches, tap the '~' button in the upper-left corner to bring up the console. You do not need to press shift.
    3. A console should slide down. Type "map <name>" to load the map you want to take a screenshot of. So if you want to take a screenshot of w02.map, type "map w02".
    4. The level will load and you can start playing. Once you see an angle you like, tap the "Print Screen" button in the upper-right of your keyboard. Nothing will appear to happen, but you now have a screenshot.
    5. Exit the game.
    6. Open Microsoft Paint (Start > Programs > Accessories > Paint)
    7. Paste the screenshot
    8. Save the screenshot out. Make sure you select "PNG" as the format to save. BMP files are not useful.

    1. Open your favorite web browser
    2. Navigate to http://www.wolf3dmaps.com
    3. Fill in the title, author, and description information. If this map is part of a set, you probably want to include the level number in the title.
    4. Select the map file you want to upload (e.g. w00.map, w01.map, etc.)
    5. Select the screenshot you took earlier.
    6. Review the information, then click "Upload". If everything works, you should be taken to the information page for your newly uploaded file.

    Now you can point your iPhone at wolf3dmaps.com to play your level! Or if you have bookmarked the site to your iPhone's home screen, you can use the app icon instead. It's the Robo-Hitler icon with a map outline superimposed on top. ;)
  6. drdanick

    drdanick Active Member

    Sep 30, 2009
    New Zealand
    #526 drdanick, Nov 2, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
    I just uploaded another 60 level pack to my server.
    Ok, the reason it's on my server is that at the moment at least, it is far easier to release 60 level packs at once without too much work (screen shots, details etc..)

    I will be uploading them to http://www.wolf3dmaps.com as soon as it gets easier to mass upload map packs. (I'd like to be able to upload archives that are automatically sorted into episode and level order. Also, maybe an option to have ~1-5 screen shots per map pack, rather than one per level (it's a whole lot easier that way))

    Anyway, more about the map pack:
    This is the other map pack that came on a CD release of Wolfenstein 3D, and I think may be slightly better than the last one I uploaded (still not as nice as the original, or some of the other packs i've seen over the years..)
    It had no name (other than wolf60), so i've given it the generic name "Ultra Pak".

    You can find it under this thread on my forums: http://www.nick.fuseirc.net/forums/index.php?topic=27
  7. thewiirocks

    thewiirocks Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Expert Software Engineer
    #527 thewiirocks, Nov 3, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
    Cool! :)

    It's probably not clear right now, but there's no reason why you have to have a separate screenshot for each level. I'm doing that for the levels I upload (and certainly encourage others to do the same!) because it results in a much higher quality catalog. You can just as easily upload each level with the same screenshot or use some sort of replacement image that is related to the levels. e.g. An image of a map-pack logo works just as well. :)

    Are these levels from id Software or Apogee? Keep in mind that there are still legal issues to consider. AFAIK, neither id nor Apogee has given permission to redistribute their maps. Using their maps like this could result in a nastygram from the powers that be.

    Now if you're talking about one of those third-party CDs with maps that contain a README saying, "Oh sure, redistribute to your heart's content", then go for it. :)


    BTW, I created a new intro screen for the site:


    If you have the site bookmarked to your home screen, this is what will display as it launches. Much better than seeing the last screen you visited in a frozen state. :)
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  8. drdanick

    drdanick Active Member

    Sep 30, 2009
    New Zealand
    (replying on my iPhone, so I won't bother quoting)

    Re screenshots:
    I do like the idea of having each list item have a screenshot, that's why I elect that all of the maps in the map pack can be uploaded at once, with a bunch of screen shots to accompany them. So, let me clarify my idea a bit: perhaps the map packs could be sorted by the name of said map pack. When the user selects a map pack he/she wants, he/she is greeted by a few screenshots, map pack details, and then a simple list of every map in the map pack. Clicking on the map name will download the map. (i'm not sure if I've conveyed this properly.. :S)
    The idea of that is really to make things a little faster for people playing through the maps in order. At the moment, I'd have to return to the list of maps from the last one I downloaded, select the next one, then scroll down to the download link.

    But I REALLY do want to upload packs in a zip archive, 120 maps will not be fun to do one at a time :/

    Re: map pack

    I think it was an Apogee release, but I recall that they uploaded these maps (or similar ones) to their site a while ago. Anyway, it's probably fine so long as I don't distribute the engine with it. (I also ran a search, and found shankenstein also on a very popular mod database for wolf3d)
  9. swksna

    swksna New Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    #529 swksna, Nov 6, 2009
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2009
    Those map packs have been available legally from around the web for a long time now, Apogee released them a long time ago. This really is an exciting feature, being able to play custom made maps! I have tons of maps I used to make for wolf3d back in the day, which I'm making available for every iphone wolf3d fan to try if they want! Here are a few:






    I'll put more maps after I'm certain they work on the iphone. Please let me know if they load properly in wolf3d platinum. I'm putting these maps here too as a test, if they are working properly, I'll upload all my other maps in my own server.

  10. drdanick

    drdanick Active Member

    Sep 30, 2009
    New Zealand
    Doesn't work, the urls point to an HTML page, rather than the file. Please upload them to either of the two map hosting sites mentioned in this thread.
  11. thewiirocks

    thewiirocks Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Expert Software Engineer
    #531 thewiirocks, Nov 7, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
    In addition to what drdanick said, your files are in the wrong format. The .map files you've exported are actually ASCII dumps. They're useful for cheat guides and what-not, but cannot be read by game code.

    In order to convert your map to the same format the iPhone uses, you either need to use wolf3dextract as per idsoftware, or you need to use the excellent Wolf3D Data Compiler (WDC) tool. WDC is particularly nice because you can extract and export individual maps. The extractor tool from Redux is a bit more involved.

    Note that if you do get the situation resolved, I highly recommend uploading your maps to Wolf3DMaps.com. Submission is open to anyone, and the browser tool can be bookmarked to the home screen to make it a native iPhone app.
  12. Daniel Novoa

    Daniel Novoa Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2009
  13. thewiirocks

    thewiirocks Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Expert Software Engineer
    #533 thewiirocks, Nov 12, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
    Sadly, I doubt it's coming. The Lost Episodes swapped out all the Wolf3D graphics. Which is a bit of a no-no for a singular version like the iPhone. You can build on to the graphics, but swapping them out completely presents a set of challenges that have not yet been addressed. (And most likely won't be.)

    On the bright side, the Wolf3D community has been getting behind this new version and is now talking about a new map creation contest that anyone can participate in. Should produce some quality stuff. :)

    If anyone is interested in joining the contest, I highly recommend Wolf3D Data Compiler (WDC) for your map editing needs. :cool:
    Volvo B30 Engine
  14. thewiirocks

    thewiirocks Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Expert Software Engineer
    #534 thewiirocks, Dec 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
    Seems I spoke too soon. Time to sing praises of Open Source...







    I'll post more info as I near completion.
  15. drdanick

    drdanick Active Member

    Sep 30, 2009
    New Zealand
    Oh yes, now my level pack will actually look right (I used the mission pack 2/3 wall textures and sprites)
  16. Devilishly Good

    Devilishly Good Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2009
    The Underworld
    on sale for 99 cents
  17. thewiirocks

    thewiirocks Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Expert Software Engineer
    #537 thewiirocks, Dec 21, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
    Anyone who's been waiting should buy this game NOW. It really is an excellent translation of Wolf3D.

    If the game is too old-school hard for you, go check out the maps on GameFAQs. That should be enough to get anyone through these levels. :)

    For those who are interested, my modifications to Wolf3D are nearing completion. I'll be submitting the patches back to ID as soon as they are done. Here's hoping they'll take them!
    Marijuana hemp
  18. jerzeeshadow

    jerzeeshadow Active Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Professional Lunatic
    Twilight Zone
    New Wolfenstein 3D Update 1.3!!!!!

    The new update finally fixes the Spear of Destiny episodes!

    Go get it!
  19. thewiirocks

    thewiirocks Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
    Expert Software Engineer
    #539 thewiirocks, Dec 29, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2011
    What do you mean by, "it fixes the episodes"? I thought the problem was that the savefile from 1.1 caused all sorts of issues, including crashing?
    Starcraft replays
  20. jerzeeshadow

    jerzeeshadow Active Member

    Nov 2, 2009
    Professional Lunatic
    Twilight Zone
    It fixes the Spear of Destiny Episodes

    I mean that the Spear Destiny Eps. would crash the game when played.

    The 1.3 update fixes that bug :)

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