Wolf Classic / Doom Classic controls (Poll)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by John Carmack, Jul 24, 2009.

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Keep "Tilt-to-turn" Controls in Doom Classic?

  1. Yes

    79 vote(s)
  2. No

    134 vote(s)
  1. Fafner

    Fafner Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    I hate the tilt controls in Wolfenstein.
    I do like the button control methods thought.
    I REALLY like the option to move the buttons where I want them!!!

    I'm not a big fan of motion controls over all.
    The only game I actually liked them on was Doom Resurrection
  2. Zandog

    Zandog Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Public Relations/Graphic Designer - Spiffcode Inc.
    Seattle, Wa
    (Left/Right) look, (Up/Down) forwards and backwards D-Pad, as there is no free look, right? Strafe, Fire and Use buttons
  3. Yagami_Light

    Yagami_Light Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    I never really like tilt controls in iPhone games unless the entire game is built around them. Otherwise, it feels like it was just thrown in.
  4. KClough

    KClough Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I like tilt to strafe. Tilt to turn is very disorienting. Can't wait for Doom Classic, and the quake series on the iphone (and rage btw) keep up the great work.

    Also, btw any chance of seeing a port of Strife? That is by far one of my favorite all time games.
  5. inferi22

    inferi22 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    I'd say we need a poll
  6. Jyaif

    Jyaif Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2009
    Independent game dev
    Paris, France
  7. zacheryjensen

    zacheryjensen New Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    Personally, I find that without more feedback the tilt to turn is too hard to use because you lose track of where you've actually tilted and find yourself tilting wildly back and forth to recenter. Not good. Tilt to run is only better because it's less vital that you stop running than you stop turning. If somehow these issues could be improved that would be stellar, but I have yet to see any really successful implementation of tilt controls besides Real Racing in cockpit view (because the steering wheel makes it clear where you've tilted)

    So I guess I wouldn't be sad to lose tilt to turn. I personally control wolf3d with the arrows for strafing on the left, turning on the right, and the separate fire button, and though I've had a few instances of being beaten up because I couldn't turn and shoot at the same time, I find this to be the best setup for wolf3d.

    Doom is faster paced though, so I wonder if it would not work as well. One idea I had was a horizontal slider concept where you slid your finger, wherever you put it down within a given range was the starting point and whether you moved it left or right would turn your view left or right, as much as you slid your finger. With enough sensitivity you could turn 360 degrees without lifting your finger.

    Another idea I had was to let the player touch a potential target to choose it, then auto-fire when aiming was within a certain range, keeping the possibility of missing, but eliminating the need to completely give up turning while firing.

    Anyway, it's awesome that you're bringing these classics to this platform even if the interface isn't 100% ideal for them. I for one welcome the new challenge and opportunity to carry some serious nostalgia in my pocket.
  8. Manu270891

    Manu270891 Member

    Jul 18, 2009
    #68 Manu270891, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
    Don't remove that option! I play Wolf 3D on my iPod Touch with Til-to-Turn, I just can't play the game with Tilt-to-Strafe! Keeping the tilt-to-turn option won't hurt anybody, so please, keep it!

    PD: OMG it IS John Carmack! ^^ Welcome to the forum!
  9. reefinyateef

    reefinyateef New Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    Tilt controls works ok but touch control is definitely better. I'm a bit biased though, since I usually play while on a train.
  10. Wobag

    Wobag New Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    Tilt to strafe is the only move control that seems right to me.
  11. fritz0id

    fritz0id Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    Touch controls FTW! (Tilt can suck my ****)

    I thought the dual stick controls in Wolfenstein 3D worked really well, and never considered using the tilt. Thinking about it, I probably wouldn't have played the game if there had been any mandatory tilt aspect to it… W3D was a perfect bus game (20 mins to the office) because of the snack-sized time it took to complete those levels. Tilting controls are frustrating on moving vehicles.

    On a more general note, related to this topic…
    The tilt control is the reason I have not played the On-rails Doom game since I bought it… even though I quite dig the idea, graphics and execution. That game needs to be enjoyed while sitting down somewhere comfortable where you can get really into it. But if I'm sitting down, why not get onto my PC and play a cool "real" FPS on a big screen?

    There are only a few types of games where I actually prefer to play on the iPhone rather than on my PC, even if I'm at home and in the mood for play. Bound Zen is one example. Fieldrunners is another. Both are examples where the iphone form factor and touch interface create an interaction that cannot be replicated on the PC (the drag and drop aspect of Fieldrunners make it much more fun and intuitive than desktop implementations) and are used to provide a compelling game experience.

    I guess there's another usage case, and that's the "bed gamer". Action games make awful bed games, since they pump up your adrenaline before you go to bed. Ended up playing through all of Westward this way, that game was perfect for putting you to sleep hehe…
  12. Ramrodicus

    Ramrodicus Member

    May 26, 2009
    Thanks for asking!

    I prefer the left thumb to move & strafe, and right thumb to rotate and shoot. No tilt for me, thanks.
  13. IzzyNobre

    IzzyNobre Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2008
    While I hate all types of accelerometer-based control schemes (I don't like having the visual area of the game tossing and turning on me), I say keep it for the few players who might prefer it.
  14. KcBklyn

    KcBklyn New Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I just tried the tilt options for the first time. Honestly I was pleasantly surprised at using tilt to strafe. However, thats the only way I would use it and the default controls are very very good.

    Getting close to a release date? Cant wait.
  15. pahncrd

    pahncrd Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2008
    #75 pahncrd, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
    I really like the dual analogue option so as long as that isn't removed I will be happy. The controls were spot on in Wolfenstein Classic and it really is the definitive version. I'm really looking forward to the Doom remake as I never seem to get tired of Doom. I end up playing through it about every year or so.
  16. JindoFox

    JindoFox Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    I don't use the tilt controls, but I like having options.

    If adding tilt controls is delaying the release of Doom Classic, however, leave them out and let us play this game, because I'm breathlessly awaiting it!
  17. septimus

    septimus Member

    May 13, 2009
    It is hard to tell with the increase in enemies. On Wolf3D there isn't much of a requirement for them, you have time to move your thumb to shoot. With Doom, I don't know, it might not be possible without being ripped to pieces :). Especially in the later levels.
  18. somatic668

    somatic668 New Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    Don't use the tilt really...

    As I find it detracts from the visual enjoyment...the touch does not have a really wide FOV so I prefer the onscreen.

    Thanks for asking!
  19. naythan

    naythan Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2009
    no tilting!!!!!!
  20. deluxe

    deluxe Active Member

    Aug 13, 2008
    Don't use tilt to turn.

    By the way, any news about Wolfenstein RPG? Can't wait for it.

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