Wolf Classic / Doom Classic controls (Poll)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by John Carmack, Jul 24, 2009.

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Keep "Tilt-to-turn" Controls in Doom Classic?

  1. Yes

    79 vote(s)
  2. No

    134 vote(s)
  1. Scottor

    Scottor Member

    Jul 25, 2009
    I have to agree that the default controls worked great for me too on Wolf 3D. I found it to be the best controls on Iphone for a FPS and the response is pretty satisfying.

    The tilt controls on Doom Resurrection also work really well with the on rails aproach, really liked that game too but I would switch any tilt option off if I could control the movement of my character.

    I would use the Wolf 3D controls for Doom Classic and have complete customizable controls options, keep everybody happy.

    Thanks for getting behind the Iphone in such a strong way, all your games so far have been brilliant, really made me feel like I was playing PC games on the move. I'm sure the other members of Toucharcade would agree when I say your name guarantees quality with your titles.

    When are we to see Doom Classic?
  2. Pain

    Pain Member

    Jul 15, 2009
    Hopefully Soon, Cause The Wait Is Just Unbearable.
  3. gekkota

    gekkota Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2008
    John Carmack posting on Touch Arcade...that's got to be the ultimate compliment for you, arn!
    It doesn't get any better than that!
  4. In my review of Wolf3D, I boasted about the excellent controls. I say focus on getting those controls down for Doom, then maybe in a later date release a tilt control or not at all. Hope to see Doom out soon.
  5. Rixx

    Rixx Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2009
    College Instructor
    Longview, Texas
    I do not use the tilt controls, but I do re-arrange the controls on screen, so please keep that customization choice :)

    I would like the ability to widen the left/right turn control spacing, sit always seems too touchy if placed right on top of the forward/back arrows. So I just separate them and use then independently.

  6. Ryan4454

    Ryan4454 Active Member

    May 22, 2009
    Hey John Carmack could you maybe post details of what Doom games are in Doom Classic?

  7. Rad

    Rad Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2009
    John I don't use the tilt to turn option, I use the control option on the far left in the control panel.

    Will the original and add on WAD files work with DOOM Classic?

    Any chance to get the rights to Heretic and Hexen?

    Thanks for remaking the games I grew up with.

  8. seantyas

    seantyas Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2009
    I use tilt to turn and think its brilliant!
  9. kmacleod

    kmacleod Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 1, 2009
    Artist / Writer / Designer
    First, welcome to TA. And thank you for everything - Wolf 3D is the first game I ever played, and still one of my favorites.

    As for tilt controls, they never felt right for me, but unfortunately, I haven't really found any controls that feel just "right" for iPhone FPS games. The fact that you have to reach your finger away from one set of controls to shoot really feels awkward.

    My suggestion would be to implement some sort of auto-fire option, so the game can shoot whenever someone walks into your line of fire. That way, it is easier to concentrate on aiming and moving.
    I don't think there is an ideal system for a console without buttons, but I think this might be a good thing to try.

    Anyways, to answer your question, I suggest removing them from the user-accessible settings to reduce clutter, and maybe adding some sort of detailed settings menu buried somewhere that people can use tweak game options.

    I doubt you're here to take feature requests, but I might as well voice a few while I can - probably not going to have a chance again ;)

    I'd absolutely love to see options in Doom to disable the motion bob effect (it gives me a headache playing with it) and disable texture filtering (I like the retro look).

    Also, I'd love to see Wolf3D have an option to use sound effects and music from the Mac version. I don't know if you've played that one (I think a different team made it), but it had a really well done and memorable score.

    Anyways, thanks for making some of the best games ever, and I'll be looking forward to playing this one :)
  10. Zandog

    Zandog Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Public Relations/Graphic Designer - Spiffcode Inc.
    Seattle, Wa
    #50 Zandog, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
    John, give me the basics and let me run with it.
  11. seantyas

    seantyas Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2009
    Actually guys, I think one major aspect of doom, is almost impossible to COMFORTABLY do in doom without tilt-to-turn... CIRCLE STRAFING.

    I run circles around guys in wolf by using my left finger to strafe , keeping my aim centered with tilting(turning) and using my right thumb to shoot.

    in doom multiplayer, its not too practical to, for example, be using my right thumb for my turning and my right pointer finger to shoot (maybe with the shoot button a bit above the turn icon).

    with tilt to turn u see a LOT more screen, and after the 2 day learning curve, its really easy!
  12. jaikben

    jaikben Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    #52 jaikben, Jul 25, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2009
    D-pad for movement and for looking the tilt control. Look up for quake1/2/3 on n95 with accelometer on inet. Also FYI doomgl on a arm windows mobile device http://kokak.free.fr/DoomGLES.htm with .md2 models/glow effects and a lot more it runs really great
  13. EightFlyingCars

    Mar 28, 2009
    You could take inspiration from Caster. Thumb on the left side controls moving and strafing, thumb on the right controls aim (though in Doom, it would just be turning left and right). Double-tap and hold on the left to run, double-tap and hold on the right to begin firing.

    I think that could work really well.
  14. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
    This site keeps getting better and better....
  15. VWXYZ

    VWXYZ Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2009
    Oh MY! John Carmack! Hope your good on Rage too! Really looking forward to it!

    And no, I don't use the tilt-control, I (as everyone I know with wolfenstain, 3 people) use the default control.

    They work great as they are, I'm a little worried when you get the 3. axis on the second analog stick, but I have confidence in your projects :)
  16. barl

    barl Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2009
    Artist, Filmmaker
    Cardiff, UK
    I'm happy with tilt (accelerometer)
  17. nightbeaver

    nightbeaver Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    i always wondered how well it would work if you used a three finger type control scheme. with a four way d-pad for moving forward backward and strafing on the left and swipe to turn on at the bottome right and tap anywhere else to shoot. so you can hold the device in your left hand and use your thumb to control the d-pad and use your middle finger on your right and to swipe and index finger to tap. or you can have the swipe for strafing and the d-pad will be used for forward backward and turning.
  18. Theta-Omega

    Theta-Omega Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2009
    I like the regular control system used with Wolfenstein, but it would be a good idea to keep it in the options menu. You could also have a third option that incorporates mechanics both, but i would stick with the previous system used in Wolf3D, it worked well and was suited for the game. A problem with doom would be strafing, so motion controls could be used for strafing, which would be useful in engaging stronger enemies, but this system could be the third option. I would say don't take them out and add a third and fourth option for controls, everyone would find at least one of them suitable.
  19. Conan

    Conan Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2009
    No tilt control please :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  20. jalpert

    jalpert Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2008
    Please do NOT remove tilt to turn. I use tilt to turn with one finger on shot and the other on the move forward-back-strafe.

    I only read a few people say they don't use it, but I couldn't image playing wolf any other way and if it's not hurting anything I'd greatly prefer it left.

    BTW, just by posting you show you actually care which is great.

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