Wobble Wobble Game (Created By Taylor Martinez University Of Nebraska Quarterback)

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by WobbleWobble, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Just Wobble With It (Wobble Wobble IOS & Andriod)

    The phenomenon of Flappy Bird hit our world faster than a speeding bullet. People couldn’t resist the urge to try just one more time to beat their score. They had to get more. They were addicted to getting more. Just like that it was gone. The next rising app to make us want to throw our phones at the wall has just been released on the app store. Wobble Wobble, a game based on one’s ability to control a ball on a line, seems so simple a baby could play it… but don’t let that fool you! The line begins to quickly jerk up and down, starting off slow, and then speeding up and back down again, making it a fun, competitive challenge against you and your friends to get the highest score. Play against yourself, play your friends, or scroll through twitter with the hashtag #wobblewobble to see who you can beat! The game keeps people on their toes and will have you racing just to beat your score. Go ahead and play, let us know what you think… just be careful not to break your phone in the process.


    IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wobble-wobble/id820747570?ls=1&mt=8

    GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wobble.wobblewobble&hl=en





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