Hey everyone! I'm walaber, creator of "JellyCar", and lead designer of "Where's My Water?". I'm excited to get some show off a new indie game I've been working on for a while called "Wobble Frog Adventures". What's a "Wobble Frog"? A "Wobble Frog" looks like this: A wooden toy on a physics platforming adventure. The game is 100% physics based, the two sliders on the screen allow you to directly set the angles for the two joints on the "frog", which you can manipulate to maneuver the frog is a surprising number of ways. It's quite difficult at first, similar to Bennet Foddy games like QWOP or Getting Over It, (although a bit more forgiving I think), and quite rewarding as you learn how to control the frog. The structure of the game is an endless journey through semi-random levels, as well as a weekly shared "speedrun" level with a leaderboard and ghost replays of the players with times similar to you. You earn coins by playing that you can use to but random part boxes that give you materials to customize your "frog". The game is ad-based, with clearly telegraphed interstitials, and opt-in video ads to continue if you fall out of the game world, and also to do a re-pull on the item boxes if you get a dupe (after watching an ad you're guaranteed to not get a dupe). Potentially the most ridiculous aspect of the game is that I made a working physical version of this fictional toy as a DIY project, and used the physical toy in my amazingly innovative marketing trailer for the game. If you're interested I have a write-up on my website about how and why I did that here's the first game trailer: The game is almost done, I'm hoping for a mid-July release on iOS and Android.
Hi Walaber, loved Jelly Car and Where’s My Water back in the day, and your new game looks very interesting too, gonna play as soon as it hits.
For those looking for a little more unadorned gameplay, here's a work-in-progress trailer that's just the game:
Awwww yeah! I’ve been playing this for some time and it is the CAT’S MEOW!! Also walaber was my mentor and taught me everything I know about making vidya games, so if you like my games you’re gonna LOVE WOBBLE FROG!!!!
The game is now available for pre-order on the App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wobble-frog-adventures/id1335531592?ls=1&mt=8 And also in beta on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.walaber.wobblefrog
One of the things that I think turned out pretty cool in the game is the replay feature. When something cool / interesting / ridiculous happens in the game, you can tap the replay button and create a video or GIF directly from in-game that you can save to your device or social media. It's not a screen recording, it's a replay of the game action, so when you're trimming the clip you can even change the camera angle, zoom in/out, etc. Here's an example video I exported from the Android version of the game yesterday: https://twitter.com/walaber/status/1011506453369139200
Here's an updated "launch trailer" of the game. Releases this week (July 12) on iOS and Android. I'm looking forward to feedback on the game.